重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason 教英文俚語 (44)

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挖東牆補西牆英文怎麼說!? Rob from Peter to pay Paul


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深深英文【英文俚語速成】為什麼祝你好運要打斷別人的腿 break a leg?

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深深英文【英文片語速成】make, pull 與介係詞搭配的各種有用片語速成!

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Hang in there and keep holding on!

「Hang in there」是什麼意思?堅持下去
hang 是大家耳熟能詳的字,但 hang in there 可不是要人家把衣物「掛在那裡」,而是要對方「撐著點」。類似 hang in there 的用法,還有 stick it out 。
stick 為黏著之意, stick it out 指的就是「撐到最後關頭」。
此外,如果你想吊吊書袋,耍弄自己的文學造詣,說幾句饒富哲理的話,這裡介紹兩句英文給你。中文有句諺語叫做「不經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香」,英文就俗氣多了,直接用「沒有苦痛就不會獲得。」( No pain no gain. )。
還有種比喻方式為 When the going gets tough, the tough get going. 就是鼓勵別人要愈挫愈勇 ( Keep trying. ) ,因為你即將「否極泰來」了。此外,大多數人使用這種說法時,多只會說前半句,也就是 When the going gets tough, …,因為大家都已經知道接下來會接什麼了。

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 *Jason老師聯絡方式: Email: sheypin@gmail.com

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 *Jason老師聯絡方式: Email: sheypin@gmail.com

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 *Jason老師聯絡方式: Email: sheypin@gmail.com

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 *Jason老師聯絡方式: Email: sheypin@gmail.com

* Hi, 各位同學。Jason老師所整理的教學資料越來越繁重,但相對的也表示這些資料整理之不易。其中大部份都是本人多年教學之精華。以後在Facebook或是Jason瘋英文網站裡的資料將進行管制。

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See you later.
A: I have to go.
B: See you later.
Whats up?
A: Hey! Whats up?
B: Nothing much! As usual.

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Jason Pin





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Jason Pin



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361. To run a tight ship and to sit tight. To run a tight ship 是一個單位的紀律嚴明"I like to run a tight ship around here. That means that you’d better be here at 8:30 and you don’t get off work until 5:30.
362. to sit tight 是觀望,不採取行動。When the stock price dropped drastically in 1987, some investors lost millions of dollars. But the majority of investors were sitting tight waiting for the stock market to bounce back.“
363. Tight-lipped 是指那些說話很少的人,或在某個問題上守口如瓶。she’s been so tight-lipped about her boyfriend Jack. If I ask too many questions she gets angry.
364. Tight with someone. 這是指和某人關係密切。since you’re my son, I’m going to talk to the president of that company and ask him to give you another chance. I happen to be quite tight with him."
365. LOOSE LIPS 是指說話很隨便,不謹慎。"All right, men, don’t talk about the raid to anybody outside this room, not even another cop. This gang is dangerous, so the raid has to be a complete surprise. Loose lips can get somebody killed. And you don’t want it to be you!"
366. AT LOOSE ENDS 是感到沒事幹,很無聊。 I work nearly fifty hours a week. On weekends, I go to movies or take short trips with my friends. I never feel bored or at loose ends. "
367. OUT OF ONE'S SKULL 是以不完全認真的態度說某人大概是不正常,或是有點瘋了。"Honey, you'd have to be out of your skull to lend that no-good brother of yours any more money. He already owes you over two thousand dollars and he has never paid back a penny!"
368. SKULL SESSION 是一些人坐在一起動腦筋,解決問題,或是增加自己在某一方面的知識。"Okay, men, I want you back in the locker room at eight o’clock for a special skull session. We’ll look at films of the team we play for the championship and talk over the new plays we’ve been practicing all week."
369. To have a feeling in one's bones 就是某人有一種感覺,好像什麼事情要發生,但是又講不出道理。"I just came back from Sally and Joe’s wedding. It was beautiful, and they both looked so happy. But you know something? I hope I’m wrong but I have this feeling in my bones that this marriage won't last a year!"
370. To have a bone to pick 是指有理由提出抱怨或爭論。"Honey, I have a bone to pick with you. I don’t mind you getting into the bathroom first in the morning, but do you have to be in there so long? You know, I have to get to work on time, too."

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321.  Back-up system是指後備的設施,以便在主要的設備出現故障的時候發揮作用,使工作能夠正常地持續下去。 "On the second day of the flight, the space shuttle's main air-conditioning system broke down. But the astronauts switched on the back-up system and were able to continue the mission for another three days and land safely at Edwards Air Force Base."

322.  In the pink的意思是指一個人臉色看上去白裏透紅,氣色很好,身體很健康。I thought I was getting a cold yesterday so I went to bed a couple of hours early and I really feel in the pink now."

323.  Fit as a fiddle的意思也是指身體很好,就像一隻調好音的小提琴,準備演奏美麗動聽的音樂一樣。I eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and I do exercises three times a week. These things help to keep me fit as a fiddle."

324.  To play ball作為俗語的意思是和某人合作,或做出妥協,以便以後可以得到對方的幫助。 "You play ball with me and I'll play ball with you" 作為俗語的意思就是: 這次你跟我合作,下次我一定跟你合作。

325.  On the ball是指一個人很機靈,工作做得很出色。 "That reporter is about the best we have on the paper. He's always on the ball and brings back stories that most other reporters would miss."

326.  Now the ball is in your court作為俗語的意思是:現在該是你採取行動的時候了。"Here's a revised budget our people are ready to vote for. It's about the best I can do. Now the ball's in your court, my friend: see whether your people can agree to it."

327.  To start the ball rolling是開始一個行動。 "Okay, I've called this meeting to see what ideas we have for the new ad campaign. I'll start the ball rolling by telling you a few ideas I already have."

328.  Skin-deep是膚淺,表面的意思"Joe likes to brag about all the friends he has. But to tell the truth, his friendships are only skin-deep -- the only person he really cares about deep down in his heart is himself."

329.  that really gets under one's skin是令人感到討厭的意思。 "Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin: he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles.

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281 beefy,那就是說,那個人個子很高大、肌肉很發達These two guys were pushing me around until my brother, who's a beefy football player on the school team, came out and asked me if I needed help

282 To beef up 的意思是:增加力量。"A general beefs up his forces before a battle by adding more tanks and artillery.

283 snowball 也可以當動詞用來形容某一樣東西很快就變得越來越大,就像滾雪球那樣。Business was slow at first but it's really snowballed the last couple of months: now you have to wait in line to get a table."


284 Snow job就是用拍馬屁、誇張等手法來欺騙或說服別人。This guy kept telling me how much I'd save with his company. But when I read the policy he was selling, I realized he was giving me a snow job.

285To break the ice 作為俗語是指:緩和緊張氣氛,使在場的人放鬆一些。he went around the table and asked everybody to stand up and tell a little about themselves and that broke the ice in a hurry."


286iceberg是指一個人很冷漠無情,缺乏正常人的熱情,"My boss is the smartest man I know. But he's a real iceberg

287where's the beef?也就是:牛肉在哪里? "Our history teacher is a good talker but there isn't much real meat about history in what he says. I'd like to ask him, 'Where's the beef?' because we sure don't learn much from him."


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1            to lose one's shirt實際上並不是真的指丟了襯衫。它的確切意思是某個人失去了他所有的一切。

2            A stuffed shirt是指那些愛擺架子,表現得神氣十足的人。

3            to give you the shirtoff his back..

4            To bailout它的意思就是擺脫一些麻煩或危險。當飛行員在空中發現汽油不足或是機器出了故障,他們就不得不用降落傘,以保生命的安全。

5            "Today the stock market took a nosediveand dropped 25 points."

6            Up in arms的意思是起來進行武裝鬥爭,或者非常憤怒,準備打架。

7            At arm'slength就是指和某人保持一定距離。

8            " To pull one's leg的真正意思是逗別人,開別人玩笑的意思。

9            to shake a leg就是趕快行動的意思。

10       To twist someone's arm它是指給某人施加壓力,迫使他做你要他做的事。

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1            to lose one's shirt實際上並不是真的指丟了襯衫。它的確切意思是某個人失去了他所有的一切。

2            A stuffed shirt是指那些愛擺架子,表現得神氣十足的人。

3            to give you the shirtoff his back..

4            To bailout它的意思就是擺脫一些麻煩或危險。當飛行員在空中發現汽油不足或是機器出了故障,他們就不得不用降落傘,以保生命的安全。

5            "Today the stock market took a nosediveand dropped 25 points."

6            Up in arms的意思是起來進行武裝鬥爭,或者非常憤怒,準備打架。

7            At arm'slength就是指和某人保持一定距離。

8            " To pull one's leg的真正意思是逗別人,開別人玩笑的意思。

9            to shake a leg就是趕快行動的意思。

10       To twist someone's arm它是指給某人施加壓力,迫使他做你要他做的事。

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