重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason教英語新聞 (119)

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英文 English 
Mirage jets to pass over Taoyuan stadium in flyover (2014/08/26)

For the first time ever, Taiwan’s armed forces will hold a flyover at a baseball game. Mirage 2000 jets will pass over Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium on Thursday as part of a series of events the Lamigo Monkeys are holding ahead of Armed Forces Day next Wednesday.

The flyover will consist of five Mirage 2000 jets dispatched from Hsinchu Air Base flying at a height of 1,000 feet. To promote this event, Lamigo Monkeys players and cheerleaders joined soldiers in a press event today.

The Ministry of National Defense reached an agreement with the Monkeys for a special forces unit to perform during the game. It is part of a series of events taking place over the Monkeys’ four-day “Army Party.”

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英文 English 
Mirage jets to pass over Taoyuan stadium in flyover (2014/08/26)

For the first time ever, Taiwan’s armed forces will hold a flyover at a baseball game. Mirage 2000 jets will pass over Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium on Thursday as part of a series of events the Lamigo Monkeys are holding ahead of Armed Forces Day next Wednesday.

The flyover will consist of five Mirage 2000 jets dispatched from Hsinchu Air Base flying at a height of 1,000 feet. To promote this event, Lamigo Monkeys players and cheerleaders joined soldiers in a press event today.

The Ministry of National Defense reached an agreement with the Monkeys for a special forces unit to perform during the game. It is part of a series of events taking place over the Monkeys’ four-day “Army Party.”

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Taipei’s Xing Tian Temple to prohibit incense and other offerings beginning this Tuesday (2014/08/24)

Taipei’s popular Xing Tian Temple attracts some 6 million visitors each year. Beginning on Tuesday, new prohibitions ban the offering of incense and other perishables. The temple announced these changes due to environmental concerns.

In the past, temple volunteers freely provided incense to visitors of the temple. This practice will soon become a thing of the past.

Xing Tian Temple announced that beginning on Tuesday, it will prohibit incense offerings, encouraging devotees to simply put their hands together when making a prayer. It said this change was due to environmental considerations.

It’s not bad. If your heart is sincere your prayer will come true. 

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英文 English 
Cloud Gate members describe upcoming production ‘Little Dusts’ (2014/08/18)

The spate of recent deadly disasters resonates in a new Cloud Gate Theatre production that opens later this year. “Little Dusts” will examine the triviality of life.

As these dancers open their mouths to emit a silent shout, they wear an expression of pain. This is one of two new dances Cloud Gate will premiere in November. The cry of terror is a response to the insignificance of mankind.

Artistic director Lin Hwai-min laments the frequency of recent disasters. Speaking of them brought tears to his eyes.

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  • Aug 06 Wed 2014 15:33
  • news2

Kaohsiung district prosecutors investigate site of deadly propene explosions (2014/08/04)

Kaohsiung district prosecutors examined a roadside culvert this morning to learn more about the first of a series of deadly blasts that struck the city late last week. They plan to return tomorrow to cut out a section of pipeline that was believed to be the source of the propene leak that was behind the blasts.

The intersection of Kaisyuan and Ersheng roads is the site of the first in a series of deadly gas explosions that struck Kaohsiung. A task force from the district prosecutors office was joined by a metallurgist in entering the culvert to determine the cause of the explosion. Of the three gas pipelines in the area, only LCY Chemical’s pipeline showed signs of damage, with a 4 by 7 centimeter rectangular hole visible, potentially indicating an area where a patch had fallen off.

Hsieh Chao-ching
Kaohsiung District Prosecutor
We need confirmation and permission from the authority in charge to cut this pipe. This action is part of our search and seizure, so we need you to pass this message on to your foreman or a company executive.

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最新消息 Latest News   
Taipei official says many campaign ads in the city are illegal
Campaign ads have already begun sprouting on Taipei’s streets and buildings. A city official said today that with the year-end elections still more than four months away, many of the ads are illegal.

Dotting the apartment rooftops, exterior walls and road medians of Taipei are signs that look like political advertisements. For the city to classify them as such, they must reach certain ...(more)

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Taiwan textiles industry plays a starring role at World Cup (2014/06/30) Although Taiwan has no team in the World Cup, its innovative textiles industry is playing a role. More than half of the teams that advanced to the Round of 16 use jerseys that were made in Taiwan using an environmentally friendly fabric. With the Round of 16 underway, star footballers are a fixture in sporting apparel advertisements. When players from 10 of the teams to make the elimination rounds take the field, they will wear breathable, high-performance jerseys made from recycled PET bottles. The specialty fabric was produced in Taiwan. Used PET bottles typically end up in landfills. But one person’s trash can become another person’s treasure, as shown by Taiwanese garment manufacturers. To make this fabric, PET bottles are subjected to heat. Fine fibers that extrude are later spun into fabric. On average, it takes eight bottles to produce one jersey. Another technological advance is the addition of coffee grounds to make jerseys odor resistant and quick-drying. Hu Zheng-chung Garment Manufacturer It’s three times more odor-resistant than typical cotton and five times more UV resistant. Plus, it dries twice as quickly. More than one million of these jerseys were produced for the World Cup, including those worn by teams and replicas sold to retailers. Roughly 13 million PET bottles were reused. Taiwan’s textile industry believes the use of recycled materials such as PET bottles is a growing trend that will create significant growth opportunities over the next few years. 中文 Chinese 世足環保衣 世界盃足球賽熱鬧開打,雖然台灣隊伍沒有參賽,不過台灣卻和世足賽搭上了邊,其中10個國家隊伍,球員身上所穿的球衣,都是台灣製造,而且還是用回收的寶特瓶,所做出來的,讓法國媒體「費加洛報」報導,宣稱台灣人已經贏得了世界盃冠軍。 巴西世足賽16強開踢,運動品牌的形象廣告,也請來各球隊大牌球星客串。其中10個球隊球員身上,透氣又舒適的球衣,其實全部都是用回收的寶特瓶做出來的,而且是由台灣製作。 廢棄的寶特瓶堆滿山,平常民眾喝完飲料就丟進垃圾桶的空瓶子,在台灣製衣廠商的眼中,卻成了不可多得的寶貝。 利用熱鎔技術,全部變成一絲一絲的聚酯纖,穿起來很輕、再經過紡紗就成了布的原料,平均8個空的寶特瓶,可以做出一件球衣,而且技術再進步,還能加入咖啡渣,能讓機能球衣除臭、快乾。 [[製衣廠商業者 胡正中]] 它的除臭跟一般棉來講(比),大概三倍更好,在抗紫外線的部份,會超過五倍,以及速乾會達到兩倍以上。 這一系列國家球衣和零售球衣,使用超過1300萬個寶特瓶,數量超過百萬件,業者認為用寶特瓶回收材料是個趨勢,預估在未來幾年之內都還會有大幅成長的空間。

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North coast resident sue over proposed dry storage of fuel rods (2014/05/19)

North coast residents filed a lawsuit that aims to prevent the construction of a dry cask storage facility for spent nuclear rods in New Taipei City. Last September the Atomic Energy Council approved the facility, which could be needed to keep the First Nuclear Power Plant running until its scheduled decommissioning in 2018.

Upset over the Atomic Energy Council’s decision to allow trial dry storage of nuclear waste last year, anti-nuclear groups filed a suit at the Taipei High Administrative Court.

Chang Yu-yin
Lawyer, Env. Jurists Association
These dry storage facilities are in fact just part of the First Nuclear Power Plant compound. Fuel rods are to be placed near a slope there, and I don’t think there is a chance of them returning to original storage.

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Missing both legs below the knees, Taiwanese climber still fights way up Yushan (2014/04/24) Climbing Yushan, Taiwan’s tallest mountain, is a challenge for even those who are fully fit. But when 20-year-old Kuo Wei-chi scaled the peak on Wednesday, it was a truly remarkable feat because she’s missing parts of all four of her limbs. Wearing prosthetics on both of her legs made climbing the uneven rocky path difficult. As she moved into higher altitudes, fatigue and pain accompanied every step. Eventually, one of Kuo Wei-chi’s prosthetics had problems and the adhesive strip helping hold it in place peeled off. After removing the artificial limb, the source of Kuo’s pain became clear, her leg red and swollen from friction. When Kuo was 7 years old, she developed septicemia after catching a cold and had to have parts of all four limbs amputated. After finally making it to the 3,952-meter-high peak, the teary-eyed Kuo gripped a funeral portrait of her grandfather in her mouth, the climb having been made with him at her side. In all, Kuo needed 15 hours to scale East Asia’s highest mountain, about twice the norm. But her hard work brought tears of joy, her decision to challenge the impossible finally rewarded.

殘肢登玉山 登玉山不簡單,對肢體殘缺者更是難上難,但20歲的郭韋齊昨天做到了。 套著義肢的雙腳,踩著碎石斜坡,舉步為艱,隨著海拔攀升,跨出的每一步,又累又痛。 這一趟挑戰玉山,四肢殘缺的郭韋齊,腳下義肢一度撐不住,膠帶突然脫落,露出大腿患處,磨的又紅又腫。 韋齊七歲時,因為感冒引發敗血症,截斷四肢。 最後一步,終於踩上海拔3952公尺的山巔,這一刻韋齊熱淚盈框,嘴裡咬著,是生前愛她的外公遺照,因為這一趟攻頂路,也是幫阿公一起爬的。 整整15個鐘頭,多出常人兩倍時間,但苦盡甘來,喜極而泣,攀上東亞第一高峰,韋齊身殘,但這一刻卻挑戰不可能!

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