重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason教拼字 (62)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
近年有人將此句法的英文手法譯為矛盾語或矛盾句法,是一種修辭手段,即將兩個相互矛盾的語彙組合在一起。它們出現在各種情況下,從無意的錯誤,如非常平均,到故意的雙關語「相同的不同」,等等。矛盾語最常見的形式為「形容詞-名詞」的組合。例如阿佛烈·丁尼生的《國王牧歌》有如下兩個矛盾語:"And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true."另一種形式為「名詞-動詞」如納坦·奧爾特曼《夏夜》中的"The silence whistles".
電影《心靈鑰匙》(Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)中,11歲的奧斯卡最喜歡和他父親玩的遊戲就是矛盾修辭法 (oxymoron battles)。[1]
尺寸千里,攢蹙累積,莫得遯隱 -柳宗元 始得西山宴遊記

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*以下口訣均經由本人一字不漏一口氣全部默寫完畢。足見其效果之宏大。希望同學們能勤加練習以早日達成由外而內, 終生學習之宏效!
檸檬 衝動 頂很高
油脂 充氣 有感覺
夏天 刺激 很痛苦
原野 滋養 有點痛

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從 Samsung 平板電腦發送

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從 Samsung 平板電腦發送

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21.    aqua=water. Aquacade aquamarine, sapphire / aquaplane aquarium aquatic aqueduct aqueous aquifer.
22.    arch=chief , ruler. Archangel archbishop archenemy, enemy, enmity, amity / architect architecture anarchy matriarch, androgen, estrogen, paternal line , maternal / material  line / monarch oligarchy patriarch
23.    argu= make clear . argue argufy counterargument out argue untargeted
24.    arm=weapons. Arms armada armament armed armistice armor armory army alarm disarm disbarment
25.    art=skill , art. Artful artist artistic artless artifact artificial artisan
26.     aster=astr=star. Aster asterisk asteroid astrology astronaut astronomy astrophysics disaster sterling
27.    aud= hear. Audible audience audiometer audiphones audit audition auditor auditoria auditorium auditory inaudible obedient obey disobedient
28.    aug = increase, make to grow. Auction auctioneer audacity augment augmentative august August author authority authoritative authorize authentic authenticity
29.    avi=bird. Aviate aviation aviator aviatrix aviculture auspice auspicious inauspicious augur augural augury inaugurate inauguration
30.    band= bind. Band bandage bond bondage contraband, concubine / bound boundary.

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11. alter=other. alter altar shrine niche shrive shrivel thrift thrifty thrive / altercate alternate alternative alternator alternating current, direct current / altruism alien alienate alias , pseudo name / alibi adulterate adultery

12. am=love. Amor amore amateur armature amatory amiable, amicable. amity amorist amorous enamor enemy enmity

13. amble=walk. amble ambulance ambulate circumambulate deambulatory perambulator preamble, prorogue prologue epilogue. somnambulism, insomnia ramble

14. andro=man, male. androgen, estrogen. android androecium pistil stamen semen seaman androgynous, obstetrician - gynecology Andromeda monandrous, monogamy , polygamy

15. ang=strangle. suffocate asphyxiation asphyxiate androsphinx sphinx. anger anguish anxiety anxious

16. angl=angle. angle angular equiangular quadrangular bilateral quadrilateral rectangle triangle triangular

17. anim=mind, breath. animal animalcule, microbe, molecule. animalism animate animator animosity animus, enemy, enmity. disanimate equanimity, tranquil , tranquilizer inanimate magnanimous magnanimity reanimate unanimity unanimous

18. ann=enn=year. annals anniversity Anno Domini annual annuity biannual biennial centennial millennium perennial, deciduous indeciduous. superannuate

19. anthrop=man. anthropology anthropocentric, ethnocentric. anthropography, demography, demagogue, pedagogue, pediatrician. anthropoid anthropomorphic anthropomorphism anthropomorphous misanthrope misanthropy philanthropy philanthropist

20. apt=fit. apt aptitude aptness adapt adaptable adaptation adaptive inapt inaptitude

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