TOEIC tests level 6 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 6

Speaking: At the Supermarket

Q1 Will the driver of the blue Ford Fiesta XYZ 343 please ....... their car.

(a)    send their car (b) move their car (c) take their car (d) tow their car



Q2 The reason for this is that the Fiesta is ....... our delivery lorry from leaving the premises / premise / promise / arena / amphitheater .

(a)    holding from (b) keeping from (c) preventing from (d) promoting from

keep from (or keep someone from)

avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something.

keep from

not tell "We kept our relationship from our parents for two years."

keep from

prevent, refrain from I love ice cream and couldn`t keep from eating three bowls.



v. cause not to happen, avert; delay, impede, hinder


    keep from happening or arising.
make unable to do something.
    archaic (of God) go before (someone) with spiritual guidance and help.


W1S2 v [T] [Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of praevenire 'to come before']
to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something
The rules are intended to prevent accidents.
prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth
His back injury may prevent him from playing in tomorrow's game.
We were prevented from entering the site.
Wrap small ornaments in paper to prevent them being damaged.
preventable adj
preventable diseases
Every one of these deaths is preventable





Q3 We ask the ....... of this vehicle to go back to their car as soon as possible and park their car in another space.

(a)    possessor (b) possessing (c) ownership (d) owner



n [C] formal someone who owns or has something - often used humorously
possessor of
He's now the proud possessor of two satellite dishes.




Q4 This is a customer ........ We have a special offer at the moment on bananas.

(a)    audition (b) announcement (c) statement (d) prediction



Q5 For the next hour it will be possible to buy just one ....... of bananas and get one more free.

(a)    bunch (b) branch (c) hand (d) group


a swarm of crowds

a galaxy of chicks

a school of fishes

a mob of gangsters


Q6 Further to our ....... for the Ford Fiesta to be reparked, this matter is now very urgent. Our lorry cannot get out.

(a)    saying (b) asking (c) request (d) question


further to

following on from (used especially at the beginning of a letter).


 / 5f\:TE(r); `f[TL/ adj
more distant in space, direction or time; farther
(空间、距离或时间上)更远的, 较远的: The hospital is further down the road. 医院在这条路上, 再往前走就到了.
additional; more
附加的; 更多的: further volumes 后续各卷 * Have you any further questions? 你还有问题吗? * There is nothing further to be said. 没有再多说的了. * The museum is closed until further notice, ie until another announcement about it is made. 博物馆现正闭馆, 开馆时间另行通知.

 > further adv
at or to a greater distance in space or time; more remote; farther
(在时间或空间上)距离更大地, 更远地: It's not safe to go any further. 再往远走就不安全了. * Africa is further from England than France. 非洲距离英国比距离法国远. * Think further back into your childhood. 想想你更小的时候, 回忆一下你的童年.
in addition; also
此外; 而且: Further, it has come to my attention... 此外, 我已注意到...
to a greater degree or extent
进一步地: I must enquire further into this matter. 我要进一步调查此事. * I can offer you 50, but I can't go any further than that. 我可以付给你50英镑, 不能再多了.
习语) far/farther/further afield => afield. =>Usage at farther 用法见farther.
 further v [Tn] help the progress or development of (sth); promote
促进或推动(某事); 增进: further sb's interests 提高某人的兴趣 * further the cause of peace 推动和平事业.
 furtherance /
5f\:TErEns; `f[TLEns/ n [U] advancement of sb's interests, a cause, etc 某人兴趣的提高、某事业的促进等.
 furthermore /
9f\:TE5mR:(r); `f[TL9mRr/ adv in addition; moreover 此外; 再者; 而且.
 furthermost /
-mEUst; -9most/ adj most distant in space or time; furthest (further 1) (在空间或时间上)相隔最远的.

 # ,further edu`cation formal (but not university) education provided for people older than school age




 / 5fB:TE(r); `fBrTL/ adj (comparative of far1 far1的比较级) more distant in space, direction or time 在空间、方向或时间上)更远的: on the farther bank of the river 在河的彼岸 * The cinema was farther down the road than I thought. 电影院在路的另一端, 比我原来想的还远. * Rome is farther from London than Paris is. 罗马比巴黎离伦敦更远.

 > farther adv (comparative of far2 far2
at or to a greater distance in space or time; more remote
(在空间或时间上)更远: We can't go any farther without resting. 我们要是不休息就再也走不动了. * Looking farther forward to the end of the century... 再向前展望到本世纪末....
习语) far/farther/further afield => afield.

用法: Further is now more common than farther in British English. 在英式英语中, 现在furtherfarther用得更普遍. They can both be used in relation to distance 这两个词均可用以表示距离: I can throw much further/farther than you. 我扔得比你远得多. * Bristol is further/farther than Oxford. 布里斯托尔比牛津远. In US English farther is usually used in relation to distance. 在美式英语中farther通常用以表示距离. In British and US English only further can be used to indicate addition 在英式英语和美式英语中, 只有further可用以表示更加进一步的意思: Are there any further questions? 还有问题吗? * a College of Further Education 进修学院.




Q7 We have to inform our customers that the store will be closing in half an hour's ........

(a)    o'clock (b) time (c) hour (d) duration



Q8 We would like to ....... our customers that over the Christmas period we will be closing an hour earlier than


(a)    remember (b) retake (c) repeat (d) remind



Q9 There are now only ten minutes remaining for you to make your ....... and go to the checkout.

(a)    purchases (b) buying (c) sales (d) selling



Q10 A final ....... for the driver of the Ford Fiesta: there is no need now to repark as our delivery lorry has done that

for you!

(a) note (b) message (c) saying (d) hint

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