A 101

In January l981, in the ------- of the Iran-Iraq War, oil giant Exxon announced that it would pour $11 billion into investment and exploration in overseas markets.

(A) wake              (B) make          (C) sake           (D) take

1981 年一月,兩伊戰爭過後,石油巨擘埃克森公司宣稱將投入高達110 億美元於海外市場的投資及勘查。   


a. 本句測試下列固定片語:

in the wake of…   尾隨……而至,繼……之後

: In the wake of the hurricane, buildings lay in ruins.


b. 根據上述,(A) 應為正選。

c. (B) 項的 make 作名詞時,表『品牌』。

: Foreign makes of cars are usually expensive than local ones.


(C) 項的 sake 作名詞時,表『理由』,常用於下列片語中:

for the sake of  為了……起見∕緣故

: Frank moved his family to America for the sake of his son’s education.


(D) 項的 take 作名詞時,表『拍攝』電視或電影的某一個鏡頭。

: The actor got the scene right on the second take.


以上 (B)(C)(D) 置入空格內時皆不合語意,故不可選。


1. giant [ `djZIJnt ] n. 巨人;大公司 & a. 巨大的

: IBM is a giant in the computer industry.

 IBM 是電腦業的大公司。)

The giant redwood trees in California are very beautiful.


2. pour [ pOr ] vt. 大量投入

pour A into B  將 A 大量投入 B

: Investors poured money into a new company.


3. investment [ In`vEstmJnt ] n. 投資

4. exploration [ :EksplJ`reSJn ] n. 勘查



B 102

For many middle-aged people, when it comes to ------- for retirement, they are not quite sure about how much money they should save and spend.

(A) prepare          (B) preparing            (C) prepared            (D) prepares



a. 本句測試下列固定句型:

When it comes to + N/V-ing  說到……

 = Speaking of + N/V-ing

此處的 to of 為介詞,故之後須接名詞或動名詞作受詞。

: When it comes to singing, none beats John.

 = Speaking of singing, none beats John.


When it comes to music, John is in the know.

= Speaking of music, John is in the know.


b. 根據上述,(B) 應為正選。


1. middle-aged [ `mIdL:edjd ] a. 中年的

2. retirement [ rI`tZIrmJnt ] n. 退休

3. prepare for…  為……做準備

: Tom is preparing for the upcoming finals.



C 103

Dell, one of the biggest computer makers, decided to lay off ------- 8,000 employees over the next year as part of an ongoing restructuring project.

(A) several           (B) a few          (C) some          (D) a lot

最大的電腦製造商之一戴爾公司決定於明年解僱約 8,000 名員工,以之為進行中重建計劃的一部份。


a. 本句測試表『大約』的副詞,之後接明確的數字

approximately +數字  大約……,若干……

= around + 數字

= about + 數字

= some + 數字

: I have approximately five hundred dollars in my pocket.

(我口袋裡大概有 500 元。)

b. 根據上述,原句空格後有明確數字 8,000,得知空格內應置副詞 some(大約),合乎語意及用法,故 (C) 為正選。

c. 注意:

some 也可作形容詞,表『一些』,之後接複數可數名詞不可數名詞

: I believe you still owe me some money.


Some friends are coming to visit me today.


d. (A) several + 複數可數名詞  一些……

: I’m going to stay here for several days.


(B) a few + 複數可數名詞  一些……(數量比 several 少一點

: Tom has a few friends.


(D)  a lot of + 複數可數名詞∕不可數名詞  許多……

: A lot of friends are coming to see me today.

= Many friends are coming to see me today.

= Quite a few friends are coming to see me today.


Don’t worry! We still have a lot of time.


上述 (A)(B)(D) 置入空格後不合語意及文法,故不可選。


1. lay off…  解僱∕裁員……

: Tom’s father was laid off last week.


2. ongoing [ `an:goIG ] a. 進行中的

: There is an ongoing debate on legalized gambling.


3. restructuring [ ri`strVktSJrIG ] n. 重組


C 104

It is very important for a manager to keep employees ------- of what's going on in the business, both internally and externally.

(A) informing        (B) to inform             (C) informed             (D) informs



a. 本句測試下列固定句構:

keep sb informed of  將……的情形隨時告知某人

以上句構中,keep 表『將某人保持成……的狀態』informed 為過去分詞,視為形容詞,作受詞補語,譯成『被告知的』

: Please keep me informed of any developments.


b. 根據上述,空格內應置過去分詞 informed ,故 (C) 應為正選。

c. inform 有下列兩種句構:

 inform sb + that 子句  告知某人……

inform sb of sth    告知某人某事

: A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required.


Please inform us of any change in our trip schedule.



1. internally [ In`tRnLI ] adv. 內部地

2. externally [ Ik`stRnLI ] adv. 外部地



A 105

Simply put, things normally go wrong not because you are stupid ------- because you have never thought about them carefully.

(A) but                 (B) just             (C) since          (D) for



a. 本句測試下列固定句構:

not…but…  不是……而是……



1) 名詞 

:  She is not a teacher but a student.


2) 形容詞

: She is not ugly but beautiful.


3) 介詞片語

: She doesn’t work in Taipei but in Taichung.


4) 子句

: She failed the test not because she was stupid but because she didn’t study.


b. 根據上述,原句空格前第一個由 because 引導的副詞子句之前有 not,得知空格應置 but,以連接第二個由 because 引導的副詞子句,形成對等且合乎語意,故 (A) 應為正選。


Simply put,…  簡言之,……

 = To put it simply,…

: Simply put, I’m the best shooter on this basketball team.



D 106

Mr. Wilson finds ------- useful to hold a staff meeting twice a week because it helps improve the efficiency of the company.

(A) that                (B) those          (C) these          (D) it



a. 本句測試下列固定句構:

find           it + 形容詞∕名詞       + to V  認為……是……       



上列句構中這 3 個動詞均視為不完全及物動詞,之後的代名詞 it 作虛受詞,以代替之後的不定詞片語,此不定詞片語才是真正的受詞。it 之後接形容詞或名詞作受詞補語。

: I find it necessary to study English.



I think it a must to learn about history.



b. 原句空格後有形容詞 useful(有用的)作補語,之後又有不定詞片語 to hold a staff meeting twice a week(每星期舉辦兩次員工會議),得知空格應置代名詞 it ,故 (D) 應為正選。


1. improve [ Im`pruv ] vt. & vi. 改進,改善

: The course is designed to improve your writing skills.


2. efficiency [ J`fISJnsI ] n. 效率

efficient [ J`fISJnt ] a. 有效率的

: Many customers are impressed by the efficiency of our company.


We need more efficient methods of collecting data.




B 107

Some experts believe that the overheating of the Chinese stock market is a structural problem that will be ------- by developing more financial products.

(A) strengthened   (B) resolved     (C) upgraded    (D) compensated



a. (A) strengthen [ `strEGHJn ] vt. 鞏固;加強

: We’re looking forward to strengthening links with local trade unions.


(B) resolve [ rI`zalv ] vt. 解決

resolve a problem  解決問題

= solve a problem

: The dispute was finally resolved through negotiations.


(C) upgrade [ Vp`gred ] vt. 升級,提升

: Could you show me how to upgrade my hard drive?


(D) compensate [ `kampJn:set ] vi. 彌補(與介詞 for 並用)

compensate for…    彌補……

= make up for…

: Jessica’s hard work compensates for her lack of experience.


b. 根據語意及用法, (B) 應為正選。


1. expert [ `EkspKt ] n. 專家

2. overheating [ `ovK:hitIG ] n. 過熱

3. structural [ `strVktSJrJl ] a. 結構上的

structure [ `strVktSK ] n. 結構

: Many firms have slimmed down and changed their corporate structures.


4. financial [ fZI`nAnSJl ] a. 金融的


D 108

Even today, the general manager still has no idea ------- John Woods, one of the most competent staff members, resigned last week.

(A) what               (B) where         (C) while          (D) why   



a. have no idea(不知道),之後須接以疑問詞引導的名詞子句。

: I have no idea where he lives.

I don’t know where he lives.


I have no idea what he is going to do.

= I don’t know what he is going to do.


b. 由上得知空格應置疑問詞,以引導之後的名詞子句。選項中僅 (A)(B)(D) 為疑問詞,又根據語意,(D) 項的 why(為什麼)應為正選。

c. (A) what 為疑問代名詞,表『什麼』,在所引導的名詞子句中作主詞或及物動詞的受詞。

: I don’t know what happened last night.



I don’t understand what he just said.



  此處因為已有主詞  John Woods 且有不及物動詞 resigned(辭職) ,故 what 不可選。

(C) where 為疑問詞,表『在哪兒』。

: I don’t know where he lives.





competent [ `kampJtJnt ] a. 勝任的

be competent for  有能力做……

= be cut out for…  

: I don’t think the young man is competent for the job.




C 109

Mexico's Televisa network, known around the world ------- its soap operas, said it plans to expand its influence in China.

(A) as           (B) to               (C) for              (D) with



a. known know 的過去分詞,可作形容詞用,表『知名的』。 有以下兩種句構:

be known for  因……而出名

= be famous for…               

be known as   因某身分出名

= be famous as

: Mr. Johnson is known for his musical talent.


Mr. Johnson is known as a great musician.


b. 根據語意,(C) 應為正選。


1. network [ `nEt:wRk ] n. 電視網;廣播網

2. soap opera [ `sop :apJrJ ] n. 肥皂劇

3. expand [ Ik`spAnd ] vt. & vi. 擴大,拓展

: We’ve expanded our business by opening two more restaurants lately.



D 110

As we are running out of time, I urge that everyone team up and get the project finished no ------- than Friday.

(A) lateness          (B) late             (C) lately          (D) later



a. 本句測試下列固定句構:

no later than + 明確時間  最遲在……之前

= by + 明確時間

: You’ve got to finish the work no later than three o’clock this afternoon.

= You’ve got to finish the work by three o’clock this afternoon.

(諸位最晚必須在今天下午 3 點以前把工作完成。)

b. 根據上述, (D) 應為正選。

c. (A) lateness [ `letnIs ] n. 遲到,晚到

: They apologized for the lateness of the train.


(B) late [ let ] a. 的,晚的 & adv. 遲到地,晚地

be late for school   上學遲到

= go to school late

: He was late for the meeting.


John came to the party late and missed the most exciting part.


(C) lately [ `letlI ] adv. 最近地(常與現在完成式並用)

: I’ve been quite busy lately.

=  I’ve been quite busy of late.

= I’ve been quite busy recently.



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