先行詞是表示時間的名詞(如 time, day, year, century 等)時,介詞必須放在做其受詞的關係代名詞 which 之前,不可放在子句之末。而此一 "介詞+which" 可以用關係副詞 when代替,也可以用that充當關係副詞代替when。而且,此 when 或 that均可省略。如:
a. I'll never forget the day which I first met you on. (×)
b. I'll never forget the day on which I first met you. (O)�
c. I'll never forget the day when I first met you. (O)
d. I'll never forget the day that I first met you.
e. I'll never forget the day I first met you.
或問:可否將句中的that視為關係代名詞而在that之前加上介詞on?不行,因為關係代名詞that做介詞的受詞時,此一介詞必須放在子句之末。既然如此,就放在子句的末尾好了,也不行,請再看看 "(1)" 例上面的說明。
a. July is the month in which the weather is usually the hottest.
b. July is the month when the weather is usually the hottest.�
c. July is the month that the weather is usually the hottest.
d. July is the month the weather is usually the hottest.�

先行詞是表示 "地方" 的名詞(如 room, house, city, country)時和上述 "A" 有兩點不同:其一是介詞也可以放在子句的末尾,其二是that只可視為關係代名詞,不可充當關係副詞,因此以下各例中 that子句裏的介詞都不可遺漏。如:
a. The city in which we spent our vacation was very beautiful.�
b. The city which we spent our vacation in was very beautiful.
c. The city that we spent our vacation in was very beautiful.�
d. The city we spent our vacation in was very beautiful.
e. The city where we spent our vacation was very beautiful.�
注意:用了where,子句裏不可有介詞 in,下例的 at 也如此。
a. That is the restaurant at which I will meet him.�
b. That is the restaurant which I will meet him at.�
c. That is the restaurant that I will meet him at.
d. That is the restaurant I will meet him at.
e. That is the restaurant where I will meet him.
或問:為什麼時間名詞之後的that只可充當關係副詞而地方名詞之後的that必須視為關係代名詞呢?是根據什麼訂出這雙重標準呢?到目前為止,我還沒有弄清楚! 問了許多洋人,若非回答 "I don't know why. I just know how.", 即是回答 "Usage is everything."。


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