Police precinct in Pingxi renovated to look like a sky lantern (2013/12/27)
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Police precinct in Pingxi renovated to look like a sky lantern (2013/12/27)

Renovations are nearly completed to make the police precinct in Pingxi look like a sky lantern. The new look will reflect the sky lantern’s importance to this New Taipei City tourist town.

The basic design for the new Pingxi police precinct was revealed in April of last year.

Now that most of the construction is completed, it is apparent that this three-story building truly resembles a sky lantern. It is located next to the Jingtong Railway Station and attracts the gaze of curious tourists.

When I saw it undergoing renovations, I thought it was a new guesthouse, says this tourist. It’s really attractive.

The building cost NT$10 million to renovate. Plans include making the first floor a tourist service center, with the second and third floor serving as the precinct and dormitory.

Chen Ching-fang
New Taipei Tourism and Travel Department
We also combined an LED screen with a glass curtain wall, so in the future we can release electric sky lantern, says Chen Ching-fang, a tourism official. This could bring some blessings.

The official opening of the precinct is scheduled for March 14. This day is celebrated by Japanese and Taiwanese as “White Day,” when lovers exchange gifts.
中文 Chinese  






[[新北市觀光局企劃科長 陳靜芳]]

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