colloquialism 161-200

161. Peaches and cream的意思是:一切都很美好。 "Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again."

162. Sour grapes 跟中文裏的說法“酸葡萄”的意思一樣。he told us he was glad he didn't get the job because it was too much work. That's nothing but sour grapes!”

163. Lemon 這個俗語也不局限於壞的汽車,它還可以指其他那些不理想的東西,Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon.

164. going banana 的意思是:快要發瘋了。that kid is driving us all bananas!"

165. To shoot the breeze這個習慣用語使人腦子裏出現了一幅畫面,也就是:一些好朋友沒事聚在一起閒聊天,毫無顧忌地想說什麼就說什麼。it was raining so hard last night I just stayed in the dorm to sit around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.

166. Through the grapevine的意思實際上就和中文裏說的:通過小道消息來的一樣。What do you think of the news that our regiment is being transferred to California. It's not announced officially yet, but this morning I got it through the grapevine.

167. A fish out of water作為一個俗語,就是指這種感覺的,它的意思是某人和他所處的環境不融恰,使他感到很彆扭、很難堪。"At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French, a language I never studied."

168. To teach a fish how to swim作為俗語的意思是指班門弄斧:給別人提出完全沒有必要的建議或勸告。"My son, fresh out of college, keeps telling me how to run my business. But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim."

169. Fish or cut bait作為俗語的意思就是:不要舉棋不定,而要當機立斷。

"Son, either go on to college or go out and find yourself a job. It's time to fish or cut bait!"

170. Cold fish是指那些對人很冷淡,很不友好,根本沒有意思和別人友好相處的人。"Let's not invite Joe to the party: he's such a cold fish he'll spoil it for everybody else."

171. to feast your eyes onFeast的意思是:宴請,舉行盛大的筵席,或使人得到享受等。宴請你的眼睛,使你的眼睛得到享受,實際上也就是“飽嘗眼福”的意思。"The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings."

172. To hit between the eyes聽起來是好像是很痛苦的事,但是作為一個俗語,它的意思僅僅是:十分驚奇。"When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes."

173. "Somebody's eyes pop out."其實,中國人在形容某人感到十分驚奇時也經常說:那個人的眼珠子都快掉出來了。"My wife's eyes popped out when she saw the necklace I bought her for our twentieth wedding anniversary."

174. Not even bat an eyeBat這個字的一個解釋是眨眼睛。可是,在這種情況下,它經常是以否定的形式出現的。"Bill didn't even bat an eye when they told him he had just won the lottery.

175. To keep one's eyes peeled實際上就是提高警覺的意思。"The beltway is very dangerous to drive on, especially during the rush hour. So be sure to keep your eyes peeled when you change lanes to pass one of those big trucks they call eighteen wheelers."

176. To have the wool pulled over one's eyes,這個習慣用語的意思就是:蒙蔽某人。"Poor Mr. Brown--his partner certainly pulled the wool over his eyes. He had no idea the partner was stealing all the profits until the man suddenly left town."

177. To keep one's eye on the ball這個常用語原先是來自球類運動,如網球、高爾夫球、壘球等。你一定要把眼睛看准了才能打到這些球。You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job."

178. Eye-opener有兩個意思,一個是表示驚奇,it was a terrible eye-opener when I opened the letter he'd left on the kitchen table and found out he'd run off with his old college sweetheart."

179. Eye-opener的另一意思是:開闊了眼界。"Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener.

180. Flea market是一種往往在週末舉行的非正式集市I was lucky when I went to the flea market today.

181. to clam upClam在中文裏就是蛤蜊,當蛤蜊外面的殼關起來的時候,你要想把它打開是不容易的。因此,clam up的意思就是嘴巴閉得緊緊的。"Hey, clam up, will you! I've heard enough already about how hard you work in the office!"

182. baloney這個字來形容某些人說的話一錢不值。But I'm afraid all he gave me was a lot of baloney."


183. kickback。政府官員接受賄賂He is charged with taking a 50,000-dollar kickback

184. to get a kick out of這個俗語並不完全和愛情聯繫在一起。它可以用於任何一個使你高興的人,或任何一樣令你喜愛和激動的東西。"I'm not a kid anymore but I still get a big kick out of going to see a circus.

185. to kick the bucket來指某人死了。we heard he kicked the bucket down in Texas last winter

186. to kick up one's heels是用來形容人們到外面去尋歡作樂,就像馬在草原上奔跑一樣。It's Bill's last chance to kick up his heels, you know--he's getting married the next morning."

187. To kick off的意思是一項活動,或一個計畫的開始。To kick off原來是用在足球比賽的。每次比賽開始都是由一個球隊把球踢到對方球隊去。"Last night Michael Smith kicked off his campaign for the U.S. Senate

188. At the drop of a hat的意思是:一有信號可以馬上行動。它往往用來形容那些脾氣很暴燥的人,Say something he doesn't agree with, and he'll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat."

189. To talk through one's hat這個俗語的意思就是:說話的人自己根本不懂,所以他的話實際上是胡說八道。"Anybody who says we can balance the budget without raising taxes is just talking through his hat."

190. Hang on to your hat這個俗語的真實意思就是:有特別驚人的消息,你要準備好,不要因為過於驚奇而讓帽子都從頭上掉了下來。"Hang on to your hat--you won't believe this but last night Bill asked me to marry him!"

191. To keep something under your hat的意思就是:我要告訴你一個秘密,但是千萬不要告訴任何人。"Mary told me her husband is seeing another woman and she's thinking about leaving him but please keep it under your hat."

192. to eat his hat,那就是他十分肯定他說的話是對的,要是他錯了,他寧可把自己的帽子給吃了。中文的意思就是:要是他錯了,他就不姓張,或不姓李等等。

"Michigan has a great football team this fall. If we don't win the national championship this year, I'll eat my hat."

193. To eat one's heart out的真正意思是:非常沉痛和絕望的悲痛。"Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out--he's lost all interest in life and won't even get out of bed to eat."

194. To eat one's heart out還可以用在另一種場合,也就是半開玩笑地讓別人對你產生妒忌。"Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won't pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy--I'm taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night."

195. nerd。這個字恐怕在有的字典上都找不到。它的意思和“書呆子”很相似。look at those thick classes, and those dull clothes he wears. I'd rather be caught dead than to out with a nerd like him."

196. Jock就是那種身材魁梧,長得很帥,很富有男子漢氣概的運動員。"You may call me a nerd, but I think it's more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball.

197. Girl jock當然是指女孩。

"My kid sister is only six but it looks like she'll turn out to be a girl jock.

198. wimp這個字來形容一些比較軟弱,缺乏勇氣,辦事無效的人。he looks like such a wimp: I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts to handle a real crisis when it comes up.

199. turkey,那你就等於說,那個人是愚蠢無用的。he doesn't have a job, he dresses like a bum--he looks like a real turkey to me."

200. To throw one's hat in the ring是指某人決定參加競選。he doesn't have a job, he dresses like a bum--he looks like a real turkey to me."






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