Riot police forcefully remove student demonstrators from the Executive Yuan (2014/03/24)
legislator , legislation , a semblance of order 
For the first time ever last night the Executive Yuan was infiltrated by demonstrators. A faction of students acting separately from those leading occupation of the Legislature decided to expand protests over the trade-in-services pact that Taiwan signed with China to the nation’s main decision-making body. After a brief occupation there, they were forcefully expelled by riot police.
an offshoot of one still ongoing

Meant the demand of that a trade of services pact
Shortly after the strike of
midnight, police began their offense to expel demonstrators occupying the Executive Yuan.

Confronted by riot police, some students acquiesced and were removed easily. Others resisted and ended up covered in wounds and blood.

In a second wave, police cleared the back of the Executive Yuan within an hour. Next, they sought to remove students exercising a sit-in at the front entrance of the main Executive Yuan building.

Some students lying on the ground clasped arms to resist being carried off.

Police used their shields to push away the standing demonstrators. Those who couldn’t be removed were subjected to water cannons.

Remaining demonstrators were drenched. Another water cannon truck arrived to spray the students located between the Executive Yuan entrance and outer barricades.

The student-led demonstrators were no match for the 5,000 officers who arrived in five waves to expel them. The security apparatus achieved Premier Jiang Yi-huah’s request of removing all protesters from the Executive Yuan before the start of work on Monday.


立法院之後,行政院也發生了史上首度被攻陷事件,周日晚間七點半,原本駐守立院的反服貿成員,突然宣佈轉進行政院,行政院遭學生佔領後,府院隨即會商, 要求警政署加派警力, 強制驅離,依法處理,警方總共發出五波強制驅離, 出動五千警力,鎮暴噴水車,才將上千名佔領行政院的學生驅離, 收復行政院, 但過程中, 多名學生和民眾流血掛彩。










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