Minister criticizes plan to bring aboriginals to ancestor worship ceremony in China (2015/03/27)

Council of Indigenous Peoples minister Lin Chiang-yi has called it “ridiculous” to label Taiwanese aboriginals as descendants of China’s Yellow Emperor. Lin’s comments were in response to a New Party plan to take young aboriginals to an ancestral worship ceremony in China.

Worshippers pay tribute to the Yellow Emperor outside of his tomb in Shaanxi. This is an important ceremony that takes place each year on Tomb Sweeping Day in China. Among those who will attend this year is New Party member Yu Mu-ming. His plan to bring along aboriginal youth representatives has sparked criticism.

Lin Chiang-yi
Council of Indigenous Peoples
It would be ridiculous to label (aboriginals) as descendants of the Yan and Yellow emperors. I think a lot of people would oppose participating in this ancestral worship ceremony.

Taiwanese aboriginals trace their ancestry back 6,500 years, from before the age of the Yellow Emperor 5,000 years ago. They are part of the Austronesian language family, not the Sino-Tibetan language family that the Han people belong to.

Kung Wen-chi
KMT Legislator
Anthropologists identify our (aboriginals) as being part of the Austronesian language family. This group’s origin could be Taiwan. From a linguistic and ethnic perspective, Taiwanese aboriginals are not descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

The DPP sees the expansion of Yellow Emperor worship in recent years as a unification strategy.

Chen Chi-mai
DPP Legislator
Taiwanese aboriginals are being exploited by a political party to worship the Yellow Emperor.

In response, the New Party’s Yu said he agrees that aboriginals are not descendants of the Yellow Emperor. But he said that doesn’t mean they can’t pay tribute to the emperor as a form of cross-strait exchange.
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