Doctors split on new report that sleeping pills can increase risk of brain cancer (2015/04/30)

Long-term use of a common sleep medication can increase the risk of brain cancer by 98 percent. That’s the conclusion of a study done by Taiwan’s College of Medical Science and Technology. But some doctors are not completely convinced.

Taiwanese take an average of 320 million sleeping pills a year. A new report says that long-term use of sleeping pills can increase the risk of several kinds of cancer, especially brain cancer.

Jack Li
Dean, Medical Science and Technology College
Whether in animal trials or in epidemiological surveys like this, we have found that sleeping pills can affect the risk of specific cancers.

Jack Li’s team analyzed health insurance records in Taiwan from 1998 to 2011 and found that usage of the most common form of sleep medication – benzodiazepines or BZD – increased the risk of brain cancer by 98 percent.

Jack Li
Dean, Medical Science and Technology College
The principle behind BZD is that it enhances the actions of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called GABA. It can cause cells to develop in different ways or along different paths.

Some doctors are not sold on the findings.

Yeh Chin-bin
Tri-Service General Hospital Psychiatrist
Actually in this kind of study, it did not account for risk factors like smoking, drinking or even daily habits. This is something that has to be understood.

Medical experts are urging patients with sleeping disorders to discuss this with their doctors. They also advise against unauthorized use or increased use of sleeping pills to prevent further harm to one’s health.
中文 Chinese  
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