
Having tounsand-year egg and bean curd for lunch.

Jason Pin 的相片。
Carole WardThis has to be some kind of good look thing. Where does it get the name thousand year egg? Please don't tell me it's a thousand years old. The bean curd looks like tofu.
Georgia Messina
Georgia MessinaI think that the egg is many years old. I have heard it has a very distinctive taste.
Carole Ward
Carole WardI might eat the bean curd but would likely pass on the thousand year egg.
Jason Pin
Jason Pin
Jason PinCentury egg

Century egg or pidan (Chinese: 皮蛋; pinyin: pídàn), also known as preserved egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg, thousand-year-old egg, and millennium egg, is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing.[1]

Through the process, the yolk becomes a dark green to grey color, with a creamy consistency and strong flavor due to the hydrogen sulfide and ammonia present, while the white becomes a dark brown, translucent jelly with a salty flavor. The transforming agent in the century egg is an alkaline salt, which gradually raises the pH of the egg to around 9–12, during the curing process.[2] This chemical process breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats, which produces a variety of smaller flavorful compounds.

Some eggs have patterns near the surface of the egg white that are likened to pine branches, and that gives rise to one of its Chinese names, the pine-patterned egg.
Jason Pin
Jason Pin
Jason PinI think tofu is a kind of bean curd. smile表情符號
Jason Pin
Jason PinTofu, also known as bean curd, is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is a component in East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines.[3][4] There are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and tofu that has been processed in some way. Tofu is bought or made to be soft, firm, or extra firm. Tofu has a subtle flavor and can be used in savory and sweet dishes. It is often seasoned or marinated to suit the dish.
Jason Pin
Jason Pin
Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting…

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