1. prefer 動名 to/over 動名
2. prefer to V rather than 原V
3. would rather 原V than 原V

1. prefer 動名 to/over 動名
正:I prefer jogging to swimming. 
誤:I prefer to jog “to” to swim.
(此處的”to” 為介係詞並非不定詞,此時再加一個to句子會變成雙重 to to 的奇怪用法。再者,介係詞to後面只能接名詞或動名詞。故to swim 應改動名詞的 swimming才符合文法。)

2. prefer to v rather than 原V 或 (to V較正式)
正:I prefer to jog rather than swim. 
正:I prefer to jog rather than to swim.

3. would rather 原V than 原V
正:I would rather jog than swim.


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