
TOEIC tests level 19 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 19


Q1 I was pleased to receive your response to my proposal but there are one or two points that need ........

(a)    notification (b) certification (c) clarification (d) signification


n. act of notifying


n. endorsement, accreditation


n. explanation, making clear


n. meaning, sense; importance, consequence; indication, act of pointing out, act of signifying



Q2 A report has just been ....... that gives details of the causes of this trend towards informality in the business


(a)    published (b) directed (c) opened (d) held



Q3 According to the ....... in the report it is clear that employees under the age of 35 prefer to dress casually at


(a)    seeking (b) searching (c) findings (d) probing



Q4 Thirty years ago this kind of informality would not have been ........

(a)    withheld (b) endured (c) suffered (d) tolerated

withheld (withhold)

v. hold back; restrain, keep in check; retain, deduct; refrain from giving


v. suffer without complaint, tolerate; continue on in spite of difficulty


v. feel pain, experience loss or harm, endure misfortune; be punished; tolerate, endure; stand, bear; allow, permit


v. bear, suffer, endure; permit, sanction, indulge

bear on / bear with / bear down

bear on 

 have to do with "This information may bear on this case."

bear with 

be patient "Please bear with me while I fill out the paperwork."

bear down

try harder, bite the bullet If you bear down a little, you can graduate this year.

bear down

move forward in a threatening manner


Q5 All employees are kindly requested to ....... from smoking in the presence of customers.

(a)    stop (b) restrain (c) refrain (d) restrict


v. halt; cease, quit; close, plug; block; hinder, impede; prevent; delay; pause during a journey


v. curb, hinder; arrest, take away one's liberty; repress, subdue


v. abstain, forebear, restrain oneself, desist


v. limit, regulate, constrict, curb



Q6 The meeting went on for three hours and as a result there was no time left to discuss all the topics on the


(a)    list (b) index (c) contents (d) agenda


n. schedule, outline of things to be done



Q7 There's really no point in hoping to add important topics right at the end of the meeting under the heading of

any other ........

(a)    the heading of business (b) the heading of work (c) the heading of activity (d) the heading of tasks



Q8 The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a ....... because a fire broke out in the adjoining room.

(a)    cessation (b) standstill (c) stopping (d) halt



n. stopping, ceasing


v. stop, pause; cause to stop; hesitate, be uncertain

n. temporary stop, standstill; break or pause in a march or journey

adj. crippled, lame (Archaic)



Q9 It is absolutely essential that the clerk takes care to ....... any decisions that have been reached during the


(a)    take care to time (b) take care to minute (c) take care to detail (d) take care to measure


adj. minute tiny, extremely small; trivial, petty; specific; accurate, precise

n. unit of time equal to 60 seconds, 1/60 of an hour; moment, unspecified short amount of time; memo, protocol, memorandum

v. minute : record the proceedings of a meeting; make a memorandum

adj. of a minute or minutes; occurring in a minute; instant

 > minute v [Tn] make a note of (sth) in an official memorandum; record (sth) in the minutes (minute1 4) 将(某事)载入备忘录或会议记: minute an action point, comment, etc 记录一行动要点、评语等 * Your suggestion will be minuted. 你的建议将记录在案.


Q10 As so few members had turned up at the meeting, it was decided to ....... it until further notice.

(a) delay (b) wait (c) postpone (d) hold


v. postpone, hinder; linger, move slowly


n. staying where one is; expectation; ambush; member of a choir that sings on Christmas

v. remain in a location until a specific occurrence; be ready or available; work as a waiter; work as an attendant; postpone


v. put off to a later time, delay; defer, put off until later, stay


v. have in one's hand; include, contain; keep, save; restrain; maintain, support, believe; direct, arrange; possess


n. grasp, grip; handle, something to grip; influence, effect; order to delay or postpone something; stronghold, secure fortified place; storage space in the hull of a ship



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