Fault detected near epicenter of Mt.Datun quake (2014/02/14)

Following Wednesday morning’s earthquake geologists have discovered a previously undocumented fault. The fault is close to the epicenter of the quake and thought to be related to the quake. seismic

Just after
midnight on Wednesday, Shilin experienced a magnitude 4.0 earthquake. After two days of studying data from a Mt.Datun seismic station, a new fault was found 100 meters away from the epicenter.

Lin Cheng-horng
Taiwan Volcano Observatory, Datun
A dislocation of underground rock formations produces a vibration, with shock waves spreading to the surface. Our seismic stations recorded this signal. We believe it originated from a normal fault.

Frequent activity within the Datun volcano group, along with the discovery of the new fault, has led experts to urge extra caution.

Lin Cheng-horng
Taiwan Volcano Observatory, Datun
From monitoring many volcanic regions around the world, we have found that it is unlikely to accumulate enough energy to produce a big earthquake. In other words, earthquakes above magnitude 7 are rare in volcanic areas. But there are frequent earthquakes, so you shouldn’t build schools or houses here.

Two schools are already in the area: Pingdeng and Datun elementary.


三凌晨,台北市發生26年來最大地震,震撼大台北600萬居民。距離震央最近的大屯火山觀測站,更有驚人發現!專家在震央附近100公尺處,找到一個過去 沒被發現的正斷層,還剛好跟震央深度一致,因此研判跟這次地震很有關聯!專家警告,火山區的斷層帶有機會出現最強規模七的強震,最好不要興建房屋,學校等 建築物!


大屯山火山觀測站主持人 林正洪]]


大屯山火山觀測站主持人 林正洪]]




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