堅持練習必完成 避免延期勿介意(堅持練習要達成,避免拖延勿介意)
keep, practice, complete, avoid, postpone, mind
想像包含著預期 討論提議來考慮(想像包含要期待,討論建議要考慮)
imagine, include,
anticipate, discuss, suggest,
承認厭惡不否定 禁止辭去做保證(承認厭惡和否認,禁止辭去做保證)
admit, resent, deny, forbid, quit, ensure(guarantee /to / that)
放棄享受免後悔 結束冒險真感謝(放棄享受免後悔,結束冒險真感謝)
give up, enjoy, regret, finish, risk, appreciate
to do sth:其意為“安排或準備做某事”。如:They arranged to start early. 他們準備一早出發。I’ve arranged to see her tonight. 我已安排今晚同他見面。We still have to
arrange how (when) to go there. 我們還得安排如何(何時)去那兒。
二、英語不能說arrange to do sb:可改用arrange for sb to do sth,其意為“安排某人做某事”。如:
He’s arranged for me to
attend the meeting. 他已安排我去參加會議。
We have arranged for the car
to come at nine. 我們已安排好讓汽車9我們已安排好讓汽車<: 'Times New
arranged for the meeting
to be put off for a week. / We arranged
that the meeting (should) be put off for a week. 我們安排把會議推遲一周後召開。
begen doing sth.開始做某事
begen to do sth.開始繼續作某事
how about to do
sht.不如去... 錯誤句型。正解:How about doing sth.
why not to do
sth.為什麼不...? 錯誤句型。正解:Why not do sth
let's do sth.讓我們一起去...
let us do sth.能不能讓我們去...
enjoy doing sth.享受做某事
like doing sth.喜歡做某事
love doing sth.喜愛做某事
not to do sth.別做某事
lookfowd to doing sth.希望做某事
hope to do sth.希望做某事
used to do sth.過去常常做某事
I am
used to doing sth. 習慣於做某事
didn't use to do sth.過去常常不做某事
did...use to do sth.你過去常常做某事嗎
see sb. doing sth.看見某人正在做某事
see sb. do sth.看見某人做某事(經常性動作、全過程)
hear sb. doing sth.聽見某人正在做某事
hear sb. do sth.聽見某人做某事(經常性動作、全過程)
watch sb. doing sth.觀察某人正在做某事
watch sb. do sth.觀察某人做某事(經常性動作、全過程)
feel sb. doing sth. 感覺到某人正在做某事
feel sb. do sth.感覺到某人做某事(經常性動作、全過程)
stop sb. from doing sth.停止某人做某事
stop doing sth.立即停止做某事
stop to do sth.停止a事,去做b事 ...