

  1. across, cross, through: 越過,走過,穿過
  2. add, increase, plus: 加入,增加,加上
  3. address, lecture, plus: 正式,學術,一般
  4. advertisement, commercial:平面和電子
  5. advise, suggest: 忠告和建議
  6. affect, influence: 有形和無形
  7. after, behind: 時間和位置
  8. aged, ancient, elderly:衰老,年老,長老


  1. across, cross, through: 越過,走過,穿過

We walked across the street.

They crossed the river by boat.

The river runs through our village.


  1. add, increase, plus: 加入,增加,加上

The fire is going out; will you add some wood?

Foreign investments there increased five times.

Five plus two equals seven. (The work of an engineer requires intelligence plus experience.)


  1. address, lecture, speech: 正式,學術,一般

He is going to address at the President's inauguration

Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry.

The chairman made an opening speech.


  1. advertisement, commercial:平面和電子

If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an advertisement in the local paper?

The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.


  1. advise, suggest: 忠告和建議

The doctor advised (me to take) a complete rest.

`Are you suggesting that I'm not telling the truth?'


  1. affect, influence: 有形和無形

The change in climate may affect your health.

The influence of parents is very profound.


  1. after, behind: 時間和位置

The day after, he apologized.

HE sat behind her.



  1. aged, ancient, elderly:衰老,年老,長老

She helped take care of her aged grandmother.

We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.

He's very active for an elderly man.

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