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New Taipei City helps vendors at traditional markets sell online (2013/09/03)

The New Taipei government is assisting vendors from eight traditional public markets in putting their goods online. Everything from poultry and fresh fruits to popular Taiwanese snacks can be delivered to your home with just a click of the mouse.

This stall owner transforms meat into rou-geng, which is paired with broth made from bones and topped with onions. The hot and delicious dish is then served to the table.

And here we see employees making fresh wontons. This shop has already passed on to the second generation of this family. These snacks are popular in this area, and the New Taipei City government hopes they can expand to other areas. It has established the only traditional public market website allowing direct purchases in all of Taiwan.

Voice of Economic Development Official
After entering our website for traditional markets, you can read this introduction. You can also see the locations of these markets as well as special promotions.

But many street vendors believe e-commerce comes with big challenges.

Wu Hung-hsiang
Public Market Association Chairman
I'm really scared because I don’t know how to handle it. I don’t know how to take photos or write a description. And now we have to go on the internet to take orders and contact customers.

Many believe it may still take some time for the public become accustomed to using the internet to source goods from traditional markets. Vendors also say it will take some time for them to adapt to filling these
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[[公有市場自治會長 吳鴻祥]]
“真的是很害怕,不知道怎麼去處理,拍照也不會 文字稿也不會,我們現在要從網路上,下載訂單,還要跟客戶聯繫”

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