重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

為了感謝大家長久以來的支持,Jason瘋英文網站將連續開放三天(還剩1天),無需密碼登入。歡迎大家踴躍利用 :)

bairdben 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

為了感謝大家長久以來的支持,Jason瘋英文網站將連續開放三天(還剩1天),無需密碼登入。歡迎大家踴躍利用 :)

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Riot police forcefully remove student demonstrators from the Executive Yuan (2014/03/24)
legislator , legislation , a semblance of order 
For the first time ever last night the Executive Yuan was infiltrated by demonstrators. A faction of students acting separately from those leading occupation of the Legislature decided to expand protests over the trade-in-services pact that Taiwan signed with China to the nation’s main decision-making body. After a brief occupation there, they were forcefully expelled by riot police.
an offshoot of one still ongoing

Meant the demand of that a trade of services pact
Shortly after the strike of
midnight, police began their offense to expel demonstrators occupying the Executive Yuan.

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