Teacher Jason made a typo in the English subtitle translation at the end of the film, please forgive me! As I am getting older, my eyesight is not as good as before. Therefore, when typing subtitles, it is really hard to see whether there are any mistakes in the words. The translation content is a literal translation, directly translating Chinese into English without thinking through the brain. I hope to convey my thoughts as much as possible. Thank you again for your support! I will continue to share my travel experience abroad and record many precious memories in my life. Sincerely, Jason Pin
Jason老師在片尾的英文字幕翻譯有幾個字打錯了請大家見諒! 由於自己年歲漸長,視力已大不如前。因此在打字幕時實在看不清楚字是否有錯誤。翻譯內容為直譯,沒有經過腦子思考就直接將中文翻譯成英文。希望能盡量傳達自己的意念。再次感謝大家的支持! 我將持續分享國外的旅遊經歷並記錄生命中許多珍貴的回憶。謝謝 Jason老師 敬啟