重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason的心情抒發 (1587)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

公告:年節期間 Jason瘋英語 網站資料庫全部開放分享,歡迎各位同學們多加利用!

bairdben 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

又過年了! 這次Jason老師將放下手中一切,好好陪你們過年並談談心。




一杯咖啡,一本好書,再加上一首好聽的歌曲其實就可以好好的慰藉自己了。這次Jason老師會更加"奢侈" 些! 我可能會跑到山裡某個小屋的落地窗前呆望著眼前的山林, 想念著各位,然後滿足地嘆口氣。

網路是個好東西,但正因太過便利了而導致人們的關係變得膚淺了。這次Jason特別想和你們談談心,如果你像我一樣覺的FB或Line特別煩人或是沒隱私,利用Email : sheypin@gmail.com 和我說說話是個好方法。這也是我們在資訊氾濫的時代裡能找到最像傳統書信的聯絡方式了。

好久沒有期待收到信件時的興奮感受了!假使各位在年假時突然沒事想找人聊聊,不妨稍封信給我,Jason將會在山裡的小屋裡點上一盞昏黃的蠟燭,與你進行一場交心的 「圍爐夜話」。

平安 ,喜樂

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Shit happens! While driving  my car on the way home after work, I heard a big bang on the roof. It was so loud that I thought I had been hit by meteorites or  something. Suddenly, I realized that it was a thick layer of birds' slimy shit which kept dripping down from the roof. It was so thick that no matter how hard I tried to wipe it off with the windshield wipers, it still remained on the windshield. Alas, it never rains but pours.


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1. Braised pork rice 滷肉飯

2. Beef noodles 牛肉麵

3. Oyster omelet 蚵仔煎

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呼....咻.....真險!! 英文的用法。Phew! That was close!!

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Inline image 4Inline image 6Inline image 8Inline image 1Inline image 5Inline image 10Inline image 7Inline image 12Inline image 13Inline image 2Inline image 11Inline image 14Inline image 9Inline image 3jasonj

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I was very touched after leaning that this wanderer wrote and played this song for his late wife and children after a car accident.

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I was very touched after leaning that this wanderer wrote and played this song for his late wife and children after a car accident.

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Adam Ward asked me what these words mean on the drink bottle. I was a little shock when seeing them, and then I told him that the first word Cowba meant daddy's boys / girls and the second one meant bitching or bullshitting even though the original meaning of it is crying for your dead father. He was speechless after that. @@"

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Inline image 1

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anyway 和 anyways 其實是完全相同的。anyways是美國人口語話的說法。用法完全一樣。 

有人可能會說anyway也可以解釋為 任何方式,但是那是不正確的。任何方式應該是 any way。 

anyway 有好幾個意思: 
1. It's too late anyway. 不管怎們樣,已經太遲了。 
2. What are you talking about, anyway? 你“到底“在說些什麼? 
3. She lives right next to me. Anyway, I think she looks pretty. 她就住在我隔壁。對了,我覺得她很漂亮。這裡的 anway用來變換討論主體或是在對話被打斷後,想要繼續原來主題來用。 
4. Anyway, I really have to go. 總之,我真的得走了。anyway用來表示說話者想要結束這談話。 
5. I didn't ask her to sit down, but I think she will sit anyway. 我並沒有要她坐下,但是我認為她還是會坐下來的。anyway用以表示某件事情將會發生或發生了,雖然另一件事似乎會讓那某件事情不發生。有點繞舌,希望你看得懂。 

2006-03-31 22:27:31 補充: 

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