I am very surprised and most obliged to Angela Messina , Adam Ward's lovely cousin and the production designer of the movie Boulevard, for her most precious gift, an original poster prop from the movie Boulevard.
我終於和 羅賓 威廉斯 已故前最後遺作Boulevard的藝術總監 同時也是Adam 的表妹Angela Messina見面。十分感謝她準備給我的驚喜禮物: Boulevard 電影裡的佈景原版海報。我們一見如故,如同親兄妹一般分享許多共同的喜好及興趣。我說我們的相遇如同Deja vu的似曾相識。她也不吝地分享她的許多作品及收藏。我不假思索的說出“與你的相遇將會成為我的 Halcyon days" 時,她突然睜大眼睛並驚呼說: “Halcyon 是她最愛的字,因為這正好是她以前開的書店的店面。如果說真有前世今生, 我倆的相遇不啻是最好的證明!
The preferred RV we are going to book is a Class C RV: RV租貸初步決定.
The farthest destination we have planned is Key West, Florida. We will head to the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee, then we will head south to Georgia and Florida. The RV travel will last 19 days. The RV budget is around US 3,500 (NT120000). Adam Ward