acumen /a'kjuimen; a'kjumin/ [L acu, sharp]

n.    keenness of insight; quickness and accuracy of judgement. £&$£ ' ']/"]¥? The acumen of a great number of early industrialists accounts for their


acute    adj.    $!» ' 4»J ' *J,?!!^ ' ,^146'J acupuncture    n, %\$z 3 punctilious

adequate /'iedikwit; 'sedakwit/ [L ad, to + £^w, equal: to make equal]

adj.    able to satisfy a requirement; suitable; barely satisfactory or sufficient.

Without adequate sunlight, many tropical plants would not bloom.

fequalM^^Jl' "}

adequacy    n. j£$J ' il$        inadequate    «<//. ^JE# O equanimity, equinox, equivocate

adjourn /ad: add / journ: join or journey/ lone / far /s'dsain; a'dssW [L ad to +journi, diui-nalis, dies, day: set a day]

v.    to suspend a session until a later stated time; to suspend proceedings to

another time or place.

The judge announced that the trial would be adjourned until next morning. Dinner finished, the guests adjourned to the living room. journey    ri. SStT 3 sojourn

Adore/ ore: oral : to speak /s'do:; 3'dor/ [L ad, to 4- orare, to speak]

v.    to worship as divine; to love deeply; revere.  ^?^

His colleagues adore him for his integrity and his brilliant diplomatic

accomplishments. oral    adj.   \~\Mfo 3 oratory, inexorable

adroit/ droit: drive /a'droit; a'droit/ [F a, to + droit, the right]

adj.    dexterous; deft; skillful and adept. Wl&) ' M&i The Complaint Department now functions much more effectively on account of his adroit management of dissatisfied customers.

uche: KtTS^W dexterous' fiO":££¥Wsia»ter i


adulate / adul: adult : to flatter /'asdjuleit; 'secret/ [L adulari, to fawn upon]

v.    to flatter servilely. ^e!#§

•                    The adulation tendered to the wealthy is more often than not aimed at their

adulterate / adult : do adult things /a'dAltareit; a'dAltsret / [L ad, to + alter, other] adultery

v.    to make impure, spurious, or inferior by adding extraneous or improper ingredients. iSAIIW ' f^^M

The health authorities ordered the sale of the meat stopped since they found it adulterated. adultery    n.  jiM ' &?j

Adumbrate/ umbrate: umbrella: shadow /'EedAmbreit; 'asdambret/ [L ad, to + umbra, shadow]

v.    to prefigure indistinctly; to foreshadow; to give a sketchy outline of. fj3

& mm'«* it»t;... his m&

Though frustrated, he continued to show bubbling optimism not at all

adumbrated by difficulties. umbrella    n. $

affluent /'seflusnt; 'aefluant/ [L af, ad, toward +flux, flow]

adj.    opulent; wealthy; copious; flowing freely.  "ST^fl^l

In his speech, the economist suggested that the poorer and less developed

nations of the world seek financial aid from their more affluent neighbors. (WWlfoffiMt • ftfSSifcSS-fr -) influx    n.  OitA        efflux    n.  SdJ 3 effluvia, mellifluous, superfluous

affront/3'frAnt; s'frAnt/ [ML af, ad, to + front, forehead]

v.    to insult intentionally, csp. openly; to meet face to face defiantly; confront.

&Bfi«Sffc^ In 1936 Hitler, whose country hosted the Olympic Games, affronted Jesse

Owens, a black American runner, by refusing to congratulate Owens for

the feat of having won four gold medals. confront   v.  ffrfS^ ' S^/L C effrontery

aggravate /'asgrsveit; 'aegravet/ [L ag, ad to + grav, heavy] v. to make heavier; to make worse. f£/JO^ ' ffiS'ft The official warned the workers against supporting these anti-social policies.



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