Gre vocabulary : p: 5-6
which he declared would aggravate rather than alleviate their plight. grave adj. HtUt^ 3 alleviate, exacerbate
agitate/ agi: angry /'aed3iteit; 'aec^Stet/ [L ag, agere, to do, to drive, to impel] v. excite; stir up; disturb; upset. \W^M] ' JHW]
People felt that he was responsible for the agitation of the mob because of the inflammatory report he had issued.
agnostic / gno: nose: otolaryngnology /seg'nostik; aeg'nastik/ [Gr a, not + gnos, to know]
n. a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is
God. ^njftjfm^
He is an agnostic, not knowing whether there is God. atheist n. MWlralf prognosticate v. Btflt 3 diagnose, cognizant, incognito
alacrity /ala: alar: alary: fly/ cri: cry: a'laskriti; s'lsekreti/ [L alacer, lively]
n. cheerfulness; a readiness or promptness to act or serve. Sfjt The alacrity shown by the new employee greatly gratified the manager. alacritous adj. cheerful and ready
alcoholic / holi: holy ^aelka'hoilik; ^Iks'hollk/ [Ar al-kuhl; holic, having an abnormal desire
for or dependence on]
n. a person who drinks alcoholic liquors habitually and to excess or who
suffers from alcoholism. ffilH^f She claims she's not an alcoholic because she doesn't drink alone.
(alcoholic M— f@"iffi#DiJnlftA ' alcoholism wte^ S^f? ° )
-hoiic JitSWffl&Wm ;
talkaholic n. ^lilSH^EfrxlA workaholic n. IfFE surgeryholic n. Bf fcPHSTJl^i^fe 3 abstinent, sober, teetotaler
alibi : libi : library: not at home: other place /'aelibai; 'aelabai/ [L alter, other: Latin, alius ibi = other place, elsewhere]
n. a form of defense whereby a defendant attempts to prove that he was elsewhere when the crime in question was committed; an excuse or pretext. ^S±H!^ ' HP
The defendant's alibi was that he was not present when the crime took place.
O alienate, altruistic
alienate /'eiljaneit; 'eljsnet/ [L alius, other]
v. to dissociate; estrange; separate. /Ufa] ' i
The leadership must never become alienated from the ordinary people.
alien n. #r-IUA ' ^fMA inalienable adj. ^nj^iljl^
alimony /'selimani; 'selamom/ [L alere, all, nourish + mony, condition, state]
n. an allowance for support made under court order and usually given by a man to his former wife after a divorce or legal separation. lifJilf
Mrs. Smith was awarded $200 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
(-f@f?ASf«iiif«?i--f@^w^s °)
O coalesce
allergy / alter : other: change / 'asbchji; 'aela-dsi/ [Gr alias, other + ergon, work, effect]
n. hypersensitive or pathological reaction by sneezing, itching, skin rashes,
etc. to substances that have no such effect on the average individual. jjb!
« For most allergies, the best treatment is elimination of the bothersome substances from the allergic person's environment. (S^ilAAfg ' il^ffWH allergy •> )
energy n. ttiK ' fi^J George n. llf7p(If *HjR5*:) O ergonomics, synergy
alleviate /a'liivieit; s'liviet/ [L al, ad, to + levi, light]
v. to lessen; relieve; assuage; allay. Mfl ' Wi$P
This should alleviate the pain; if it does not, I shall have to use stronger drugs.
levitate v. mfcQMft
3 levity, aggravate
alloy : all together : /'aebi; 'aebi/ [L al, ad, to + ligo, ligare, to bind]
v. to reduce the purity of (a metal) by mixing with one less valuable; to
debase by mixing with something inferior. '?HA!tHf3llt::£ ' ffilfili
^~^ n. n sl
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
His happiness was alloyed by the thought that other people were suffering.
aloof /a'luif; s'iuf/ [OE a, on + Du loef, windward side]
adj. distant; apathetic; indifferent. @^fi^} ' ^fMfl^J The trust and worship of Lincoln by the people were the result of his simple character; he did not hold himself aloof from the common people.