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breathlessness. ftlfil

Her weakness as well as pallor was caused by anemia. feLlK : amnesia     hemophilia, leukemia

animosity / ani: anal : angry / animo: enemy   / [L animus, spirit, mind, courage, anger] «.    bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred


His harsh words clearly showed his animosity toward us.

annihilate /a: no / nihil: nothing : annihilation / [L an, ad, to + nihil, nothing] v.    to eradicate; destroy; nullify

The ruling party annihilated all opposition within six weeks. 3 nihilism

anniversary / anni: year / [L anni, year + vers, to turn]

n.    the annual recurrence of an event that took place in some preceding year.

This is the anniversary of their first meeting. annual         biannual    adj.  biennial    adj.

3 millennium, extrovert, introvert, controvert, versatile, vertigo, perennial

anomalous /nomal : normal : homo / [Gr an, not + homalos, even, homos, same] adj.    deviating from the normal or common form; abnormal; deviant. H^

Charles Darwin said, "There is no greater anomaly in nature than a bird that cannot fly."

anonymous /anonymous : nomy : name: onym: name :/ [Gr an, no + onym, name]

adj.    without a name.


He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter.


Most traditional folk songs are of anonymous origin.

synonymous    adj.         synonym    n.  

antonym   n.        acronym   n.    pseudonym   n.    O pseudo

antiquated: antique / antebellum  / vestige // [L antiquus, ancient] adj.    outmoded; old-fashioned. 

His real desire is to modernize China and free it from antiquated tradition.


apathy // [Gr a, without +path, feeling]

n.             a lack of feeling; indifference.


p.              One thing that is most likely to cause a democratic government to fail is

apathy on the part of the great mass of citizens. sympathy    n.        antipathy    n. MM 3 pathology, telepathy

apiary // [L apt, bee + orium, ary, place where]

n.    a place where bees are raised. In spite of the fact that he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very

seldom bitten by a bee. 3 aviary

aplomb // [F from aplomb, according to the plummet: plumb, lead] n.    self-confidence; composure; poise; assurance.     

With his usual aplomb, Harold took charge and conducted the meeting in a

very professional manner. O plummet

apocryphal / aop: apart : away : cryphal : encrypted / [Gr apo, away + kryptein, to hide] adj.    false; spurious; of doubtful authenticity.    f^^J ' Hlfi'x) apocrypha    n.


Almost all historians consider the story of George Washington's cutting down a cherry tree apocryphal.

apogee / apo: apart : away / gee: geo / [Gr apo, away + geo, earth] n.    the point in the orbit of the moon or of an artificial satellite most distant from the earth; the farthest or highest point.

The apogee of his career was his role as Hamlet.

Perigee / peri: periphery : circumference     n.



apostate : apo: away: / state: stand : state / / [Gr apo, away + stasis, standing] n.    one who abandons / abundant  his religious faith, political party, cause or principles,  


A church decree has excommunicated as apostates all who profess the

materialistic and anti-Christian doctrine. O stagnate, stance, stationary




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