
TOEIC tests  level 11 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 11


Q1 In order to make a sensible ....... among the different vacuum cleaners available, it is important to do some research.

(a)    comparing (b) comparison (c) compares (d) comparative



Q2 The local department store has to make a sustained effort 努力(singular 不可數); 嘗試,果(plural 可數)at this time of the year to ....... customer demand for

summer clothing.

(a)    satisfy (b) satisfaction (c) satisfies (d) satisfying



Q3 A good team leader must be able to ....... his colleagues / colleague / collage / college / to face the challenge of a downturn in business.

(a)    inspiring (b) inspiration (c) inspires (d) inspire



Q4 The ....... trend / fad / fashion / trend / in children's desire to wear designer label clothes should be exploited.

(a)    currant (b) current (c) occuring (d) occurred



Q5 You have to ....... the public that it is in their own interest to read the instructions on all our medicines.

(a)    convict (b) conviction (c) convince (d) convincing


medicine / medication / medical / medicinal /

surgeon / sergeant / sturgeon

physician / medicine / pediatrician

pharmaceutical / pharmacy / pharmacist




Q6 In order to survive in this business you must adopt a ....... stance.

(a)    competition (b) competing (c) competitor (d) competitive



Q7 The ....... of alcohol is not allowed in any of the company's premises in order to present a clean image.

(a)    consumer (b) consumption (c) consuming (d) consumes



Q8 When you are setting out to ....... new customers in an advertisement, choose the right words.

(a)    attraction (b) attractive (c) attract (d) attracts



Q9 The really effective television commercial is the one that ....... you of its authenticity.

(a)    persuades (b) persuasion (c) persuasive (d) persuading



Q10 I can strongly recommend / commend / command / this ....... as the best available on the market today.

(a) producer (b) product (c) production (d) produce

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