


[日期: 2006-07-11]


[字體:大 中 小]

1.     “Sanction” “Sanctions”

2.     “Out of question” “Out of the question”

3.     “A blank check” “An empty check”

4.     “Terrible” “Terrific”

5.     Interview”的錯誤用法

6.     Satisfied”與“Be satisfied that”

7.     “Overestimate”的用法

8.     Doubt” “Suspect”

9.     “The last day” or “the last thing”的真實含義

10.  Substitute” “Replace”的不同用法

11.  White hands”不是白手”

12.   White wine”不是白酒

13.  Drugstore”不是單純的 “藥房”

14.  “Invaluable”不是“Valueless”

15.   “Innumerable”和“numberless”

16.  “Flammable”和“Inflammable”

17. “Beneficiary”和“Benefactor”

1.注意“Sanction Sanctions的區別


“Sanction” 是英語中一個常用的字,既可用作動詞,也可用作名詞,名詞中又分可數 (countable)和不可數的 (uncountable)


例,作為單數不可數的名詞:“Official sanction has not yet been given.”(尚未獲得正式批准。) “The book was translated without the sanction of the author.”(這本書未經作者許可就給翻譯了。)“These measures have the sanction of tradition. i.e, seem justified because they have often been taken before.”(這些措施已約定俗成。)

作為動詞:“I cannot sanction your methods.”(我不能同意你的做法。)“Who sanctioned the bombing of the town?”(是誰批准轟炸那座城市的?)

“Sanction”用作名詞多數時,意思正相反,即“制裁”。如, “Apply, impose or lift sanctions against a country.”(實施或解除對一國的“制裁”。)

“Sanctions” are measures taken by countries to restrict or prohibit trade and official contact with a country that has broken international law. “The UN would try to impose very serious economic sanctions against the offending nation.”(聯合國將設法對違法的國家實施嚴曆的制裁。)

“批准,認可”與“制裁,禁止”完全是兩個相反的涵義和概念。“Sanction”作為可數名詞和不可數名詞時,涵義即發生變化。可數的 “sanction”=reason that stops people disobeying laws, rules, etc.(使人們不違背法律、規定等的因素或約束力。)如: “Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?”(為遏止這類罪行,監禁手段是否是上策?)又如, “The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction.”(人們不做違法亂紀的事,其中一個重要因素就是怕人恥笑。)

從以上的含義,sanction 用作名詞多數時,就演變成“制裁”或“懲罰”的意思: “sanctions against a country.”(對一個國家的制裁。)



2. “Out of question”與“Out of the question”意思截然不同


“Out of question”“out of the question”兩個片語僅差一個定冠詞 “the”,但意義正相反,使用或理解時必須十分謹慎,否則會鑄成大錯。

“Out of question”意思是beyond question, without any doubt,即毫無疑問,毫無問題。

如:“It is out of question that he will win.”他取勝是毫無疑問的。

“The success of the meeting is out of question.”毫無疑問,會議會取得成功。

“Out of the question”意思是:not to be thought of, impossible, not worth considering,即“不可能的,不值得考慮的。”

如:“She knew that a holiday this year was out of the question.”她知道今年不可能有假期。

“It has been so cold here that gardening has been out of the question

most of the time.”這裏如此寒冷,大部分時間都不可能種植花草。

“A new bicycle is out of the question-we can’t afford it.”置新自行車的事談不到-我們買不起。
  “Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question.”為看足球比賽而曠課,那可不行。


3. 空白支票”a blank cheque or check

不是“空頭支票”an empty or a rubber or dud cheque


在英文中,“Blank cheque” means “a cheque that has been signed but on which the amount payable has not been specified , so that it can be exchanged for whatever amount is entered.”(即未填金額的簽名支票,可支取任何數目的支票。)“Blank cheque” 轉意為:自由處理權,全權。如:“To seek a blank cheque to back the present policy.”(為支持現有政策謀求行事的全權。)“Bestow virtual blank cheque on the school authorities.”(授學校當局以實際上的全權。)

因此,“空白支票”(blank cheque) 的意思與“空頭支票”正好相反。“空頭支票”在英文中是“an empty or a rubber or dud cheque”,即虛假的、不能兌現的支票。轉意為:Empty promise or lip service.(空洞的許諾。)




“Terrible”作為口語,意思是“糟透的,很蹩腳的。”如:“I am terrible at mathematics.”(我的數學糟透了); “What a terrible meal!” (這頓飯糟透了);“He is a terrible bore.” (他這人討厭極了);“Some were bad, some were good, and some were terrible.” (有的不好,有的好,有的壞透了。)

“Terribly” 作為副詞,等於“very or extremely”

“I am terribly sorry.”(我非常抱歉);“She suffered terribly when her son was killed.” (她兒子被殺,她痛苦已極);“Not a terribly good film.” (不特別好的影片)

“Terrific”也有“very great, extreme” (很大、極端)的意思。

如:“A terrific storm” (狂風暴雨);“driving at a terrific speed.” (以極高的速度駕駛)“a terrific amount of money”(一大筆錢)。

“terrific”在許多情況下是“正面的,好的”意思。You describe something as terrific when you are very pleased with it or very impressed by it, excellent, wonderful(極好的,了不起的)。如:“doing a terrific job” (幹得很棒);“The view was terrific.” (景色美極了);“Our new carpet looks terrific.” (我們的新毯子漂亮極了);“A: I’ll come and give you a hand tomorrow. B: Terrific!”A:我明天來幫你的忙。 B:好極了!)




“Interview”一字有兩種意思。一是“面談,面試”。例:“I have got an interview with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” (我已獲得外交部的面試。)“Applicants will be called for interview in due course.” (申請者將於適當時候獲面試或應約面談。)“We interviewed 20 people for the job.”(為這份工作,我們對二十人進行了面試。)

另一種意思是(記者等的)採訪,交談,晤談。例: “I never give interviews.”(我從不接受新聞採訪。) “The New York Times asked for an interview with the President.” (《紐約時報》要求採訪總統。)“Interview the Prime Minister about government policy.”(就政府政策採訪總理。)

因此,“江主席接見了《紐約時報》記者。”或“《紐約時報》記者採訪了江主席。”應譯為:“President Jiang gave an interview to the New York Times journalist.”  or  “The New York Times journalist had an interview with President Jiang.”

錯誤的譯法是:“President Jiang conducted an interview with the New York Times journalist.”


6.Satisfied”與“Be satisfied that”



The two sides are satisfied with the result of the discussion.雙方對討論結果感到滿意。

He seemed quite satisfied with my offer.看來,他對我提出的條件很滿意。

My customers are very much satisfied.我的顧客感到非常滿意。

My husband and I are quite satisfied with the living conditions here.我們夫婦二人對這裏的生活條件感到很滿足。

然而, “Be satisfied that”的意思是“確信”或“證實”(convinced that something is true)。如:I was satisfied that the arrangements would work.我確信這種安排是可行的。

I am satisfied that her death was accidental.我確信她的死亡是意外事故造成的。

The police weren’t satisfied that he was telling the truth.警方不相信他講的是真話。

7. “Overestimate”的用法


Do not overestimate the importance of the economic problems.不要過高估計經濟問題的重要性。

I overestimated his abilities-he is finding the job very difficult.我過高估計了他的能力-現在他覺得工作難度太大。

然而,“His influence cannot be overestimated.”意思就完全不同了。如譯“不能過高估計他的影響”,意思正好相反。應譯為:“對他的影響,怎樣估計也不會過高。”

The importance of translation cannot be overestimated.” “翻譯的重要性是怎樣估計也不會過高的。”也可意譯成:“必須充分估計翻譯的重要性。”

It is difficult to overstate the seriousness of the situation prevailing in Central America.




8.     “Doubt” “Suspect”


“Doubt”直譯是“懷疑”,但是“否定的意思,即“不確定”、“不信任”(Be unable to believe or trust, be uncertain, hesitate to believe, question the truth of )。“Doubt”後面的從句必然是否定之意。如“I doubt that he is ill.”應譯成 “我不相信他病了”或“我懷疑他沒有生病。”而不能譯成“我懷疑他病了。”“They express doubt that the system can work effectively.” “對這種制度究竟能否奏效表示懷疑。”


1                        Have an idea of the existence, presence or truth of

something; believe. 有(某事物)存在或屬實的想法,相信。

如:“I suspect that he is ill.”可譯為: “我懷疑他病了”或“我


2Feel doubt about something; mistrust.懷疑某事物;不信任。

例:“I suspect the truth of that story.” “我不相信報導的真實性。”


9.     “The last day” or “the last thing”的真實含義


“This is the last day in the year(Yom Kippur) when Israel would have

started a war.”


爭時,聯合國安理會辯論中為以色列一方辯護的發言。意思是說: “Yom Kippur” 猶太人的“贖罪日”,是猶太人一年中最重要的節日(類似春節),猶太人在這一天都在家休息,政府、軍隊、工廠、學校和各行各業都停止工作。因而,以色列在 這一天是決不會發動戰爭的。原譯將此句譯成:“這是一年中的最後一天,他們本來可以發動戰爭。”這一譯法與原意正好相反,應改為:“在這一年的這一天,他 們是絕不會發動戰爭的。”

“This is the last thing that he would do .”不能譯成“這是他要做的



10.  Substitute” “Replace”(替代)的不同用法


Substitute” for somebody or something.

“Replace” somebody or something with (or by )somebody or something.

例:“某些發達國家想用具體問題的討論和解決去取代全球談判。”錯誤的譯法是:“Certain developed countries tried to substitute global negotiations for the consideration of solution or specific issues.”應改為:“… tried to replace global negotiations by the consideration and solution of specific issue.”

“Replace a broken window with a new one.”“用新窗戶更換破的窗戶。”
   Substitute a new chair for the broken one.”(把破損的椅子換個新的。)


11.  White hands”不是白手”


中文的“白手”是“空手”、“一無所有”的意思。中文“白手起家”譯成英語應是:“Start from scratch” build up from nothing”。然而,英語的“white hands” pure(純潔)”“unsullied(無瑕)”或“unstained(清白)”的意思。因此,“He has white hands”不是指他有一雙白手”,而是“他是清白的”。


12.White wine不是“白酒”


中文“白酒”指含酒精成份高、用蒸餾法制成的烈性酒。英語“white wine”指的是“白葡萄酒”,所含酒精成份很低。英語裏,凡是用葡萄等釀制的酒統稱“wine”,而用蒸餾法制成的酒則稱 spirits” liquor”。因此,“白酒”應譯為“spirits” “liquor”


13.Drugstore”不是單純的 “藥房”


美國的“drugstore” 除售藥外,還兼售各種日雜用品以及食物和飲料等。 “Drugstore”譯成“藥房”並不錯,因為它畢竟是以賣藥為主的。然而,中文“藥房”譯成英語,最好用dispensary(指醫院或診所裏的),或“pharmacy”和“chemist shop”(指街上的藥店)。


14.  “Invaluable”不是“Valueless”

“Invaluable”的意思是“extremely valuable”(極有價值)。它不是“valuable”的反義詞。“Valuable”的反議詞是 “valueless” or “worthless”.

如:“An invaluable collection of painting.”(珍貴畫的收藏)

Your help has been invaluable for us.”(你對我們的幫助是非常寶貴的。”

Invaluable”的同義詞是 “Priceless, 如“A priceless thing”(無價之寶) “Priceless” means too valuable to be priced, i.e. having a very high price.(貴重得無法定出價格)。


15.  “Innumerable”和“numberless”

Innumerable” 和“numberless”的意思都是 “too many to be counted” or “very numerous.”(多得數不清或極多的)。


16.  “Flammable”和“Inflammable”

“Flammable”和“Inflammable”的意思都是“易燃的”。其反義詞是 “Non-flammable” (不易燃的)


17.  “Beneficiary”和“Benefactor”

“Beneficiary” is a person who receives something, who derives advantage from something.

受益於,受益者。例: Those children are the beneficiaries of the new kindergarten. 那些孩子是這所新幼稚園的受惠者。

“Benefactor” is a person who gives money or help to person or cause. 施主,捐助者,贊助人,恩人。

例:An anonymous benefactor denoted $2 million.



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