

搬,提,拿,扛,抬,抱,背,帶(口訣)bring, take, get, fetch, carry用法區別 

bring, take, get, fetch, carry用法區別


區別一  關於bringtake

bring take 是一對反義詞。bring 表示從別處把某人或物帶來拿來,而 take 則指把某人或物帶走拿走”(到別處)。如:

Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 請把這個空杯子拿走,給我拿杯茶來。

注:若在 bring take 之後接副詞 out,則兩者同義,意為拿出來”(=get out)。如:

He took [brought, got] out his dictionary and looked up the word. 他拿出詞典來查這個詞。


區別二   關於fetchget

fetch get大致同義,均指到別處把某人或物帶來,在意義上相當於 go and bring,口語中多用 get。如:

Shall I get [fetch] you your coat from the next room? 要不要我從隔壁房間把你的大衣拿來?

It’s time to get [fetch] the children from school. 是把孩子們從學校接回來的時候了。

注:fetch get 在意義上相當於 go and bring,所以從邏輯上說它們不宜再與 go連用,但在實際運用中常可見到(或聽到)這樣的句子:

Go and get your notebook. 去把你的筆記本拿來。

Let’s go and fetch some water. 我們去提點水來吧。


區別三  關於carry

carry 隨身攜帶”(如搬,提,拿,扛,抬,抱,背,帶),不具體說明來去的方向,有時含有沉重或麻煩之意。如:

The wounded men were carried away. 傷員被抬走了。

She carried her baby in her arms. 她把嬰兒抱在懷裏。

I never carry much money (with me). (身上)從不帶很多錢。

He carried a box on his back. 他背著一個箱子。


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