
Judges grand bail to accused county commissioner (2013/03/26)

Judges have set bail at NT$20 million for Nantou County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching. Lee stands accused of taking bribes in over a hundred projects, including repair work following the deadly Typhoon Morakot.

Nantou suffered heavily in 2009 when Typhoon Morakot severed roads leading Xinyi Township’s Shenmu Village. On one project the county government spent NT$1.37 million on repairs, but more damage seemed to emerge during each new storm. Prosecutors say much of the blame lies with County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching, who they accuse of taking bribes for the work.

We Nantou residents suffered, but the county leaders showed us no empathy. Corruption played a role in each road project. They made a mess of the roads.”

According to prosecutors Lee wanted kickbacks for projects large and small, from major rebuilding work to cleaning gutters and fixing railings. They say he took 10 percent of costs, demanding payment down to the last NT dollar.

Hong Jia-yuan
Nantou Lead Prosecutor
He took bribes of more than NT$31 million on over a hundred projects. Lee Chao-ching denies wrongdoing, but our office feels he played a major role in these cases.

Prosecutors say Lee’s corruption dates back to when he headed the local public works bureau. They say Lee also took bribes in purchasing agreements outside his bureau.

Hong Jia-yuan
Nantou Lead Prosecutor
This case goes beyond a single agency. County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching would even directly takekickbacks from developers.
Lee was a member of the KMT. When the case first broke late last year, the party’s disciplinary committee decided to revoke his party rights.


在羈押期將滿之前,檢方偵結起訴涉嫌收受回扣,遭到收押的南投縣長李朝卿,確認李朝卿貪高達三千多萬。其中有快一千萬是自己直接向廠商拿的,甚至連50 元的零頭也不放過。涉貪工程中甚至有九成是災後復建工程,被檢察官認定是嚴重敗壞官箴、背離民意,雖然沒有具體求刑,但請求法院嚴懲。至於是否延押,今天 傍晚法官作出裁定,李朝卿以2000萬元交保。




[[南投地檢署主任檢察官 洪家原]]


[[南投地檢署主任檢察官 洪家原]]

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