National Palace Museum defends special access for arts auctioneer (2013/05/06)
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National Palace Museum defends special access for arts auctioneer (2013/05/06)

The National Palace Museum is under fire for allowing an arts auctioneer access to its storerooms. In its defense, the museum says that the auctioneer is a special assistant to a convener of the museum’s advisory committee and was in the convener’s presence during the visit.

The heavily guarded storeroom of the National Palace Museum has red doors that lock securely with a blue piece of paper sealing the doors. For added protection, cameras offer a 360-degree view. Despite these strict security measures, there is speculation that an assortment of people has privileged access to enter.

PFP Legislator Liu Wen-hsiung says that on April 28 of last year, Quanta Chairman Barry Lam and members of a French arts construction team came to examine a storeroom. Lam, who is a deputy director of the museum and convener of its advisory committee, also let his friend Clara Kuo join the tour. Kuo is an arts auctioneer.

Liu says that Kuo does not represent academic institutions and is not a scholar with research needs. Therefore, the lawmaker feels she does not meet access requirements.

Liu Wen-hsiung
PFP Legislator
The only (lawmakers) who have ever gone into the storerooms are conveners of the advisory committee. What kind of pressure are the director and two deputy directors under that they feel they can let certain people enter the storerooms?

The National Palace Museum defended Kuo’s visit.

Ho Chuan-hsin
NPM Deputy Director
We don’t grant special access to our storerooms. Ms. Kuo, as far as I know, is the special assistant to Barry Lam, who is convener of the advisory committee of the National Palace Museum. She accompanied him on the visit.

The National Palace Museum says important guests who wish to visit the storerooms must receive permission from the museum director.

中文 Chinese  

門 禁森嚴的故宮國寶庫房,遭立委驚爆,居然讓不相干的人士進入。去年四月,故宮邀請羅浮宮分館建築顧問、及南院建築規劃團隊考察庫房。除了故宮指導委員召集 人林百里陪同外,林百里的好友,知名藝術品拍賣官郭倩如也隨行。故宮出面強調郭倩如是以林百里的"特別助理"身分進入,並無違規。




[[立委(親) 劉文雄]]


[[故宮博物院副院長 何傳馨]]


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