Going to Taipei tomorrow

Nicole Liang 和闕敏英都說讚。
Chiang BenjaminOnly stay two hours? Why won't you stay longer?
Chiang BenjaminWow~cool! You must love it a lot. But only sell in Taipei? How much does it cost?
Jason PinYes, you bet. It's a second-handed laptop which cost more than NT 40000 2 years ago. I have been dreaming of getting one for myself. Now I only have to pay 10000 for it. You will be amazed if you check out the specifications. \
Chiang BenjaminGreat! Show me when I visit you next time.
Jason PinNo problem! AnytimeJason Pin秋天 Sony 推出繼X505 極輕薄筆記型電腦 11.1吋含電池只有745克 簡直太不可思議 ...