


 Deputy commander becomes the first officer detained following soldier’s death (2013/07/16)

A deputy commander in the Army has been detained following the death of a corporal. Ho Chiang-chung 何江忠is the first officer to be detained in the case. He stands accused of imposing punishments that exceeded legal limits.

This is Ho Chiang-chung, the deputy commander of the Army’s 542 Armor Brigade and the officer who directly oversaw Hung Chung-chiu’s unit. According to the military prosecutor-general, Ho ordered that Hung be thrown in the brig.

Tsao Chin-sheng
Military Prosecutor-General
It is our understanding that this case reaches up to the deputy commander of the 542 Armor Brigade.

Reporters asked whether Ho told a subordinate officer that if he didn’t throw Hung in the brig, he would find himself punished in the same way.

Tsao Chin-sheng
Military Prosecutor-General
Witnesses we have summoned said this happened. We have not ruled out this possibility.

A military court ruled that Ho should be detained on suspicion of three crimes: compulsion, offenses against freedom, and punishing a subordinate for an act which the commander knows is not punishable.

One question was how a corporal like Hung inspired the wrath of a deputy commander, a person far above him in the military hierarchy.

Liu Hsuan-yang
Hung’s Squad Leader
He irritated (Staff Sergeant) Fan Tzuo-hsian and (Sergeant Major) Chen Yi-ren. When he was caught this time, they wanted to put him in the brig. They told the deputy commander that he brazenly played with his phone in front of a superior and disrespected his superiors. They said he was arrogant, and the deputy commander believed them.

The problem is that bringing a cell phone with a camera onto base warrants an administrative penalty, not being thrown in the brig. Another problem is procedures were not followed in meting out the punishment.

Hsia Fu-hua (July 15)
Military Chief Inspector
After the 542 Armor Brigade held a sergeants evaluation meeting, it should have held a personnel evaluation meeting. But this second meeting never took place.

The investigation report ran eight pages long. It has begun to reveal what led to Hung Chung-chiu’s untimely death.

中文 Chinese  

陸 軍542旅副旅長何江忠,今天被軍事法院以「職權妨害自由」等三項罪名,裁定收押,軍檢署也首度坦承,就是何江忠對下屬連長施壓,堅持要洪仲丘關禁閉。洪 仲丘同梯同袍說,其實兩名士官長,陳以仁、范佐憲早就對洪仲丘有意見,退伍前被逮到小辮子,想辦法整他,沒想到竟然把人活活操死。


[[最高軍檢署檢察長 曹金生]]


[[最高軍檢署檢察長 曹金生]]



[[洪仲丘同梯義務役班長 劉烜揚]]


[[總督察長室主任 夏復華(07.15)]]

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