

IBT 新托福听力真题文本全收藏制作:先验理性(狗剩)

Listen to part of a lecture in a theater class

Pro: As we have seen, the second half of the 18th century was an exciting time in Europe: it was

not only an age of great invention, but social changes also led to a rise in all sorts of

entertainment, from reading to museums, to travel. And finding himself in the middle of this

excitement was an accomplished 多才多艺的 French painter named Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg.



adj. of or pertaining to the Middle Ages; like the Middle Ages


Middle Ages

period in European history which began after the collapse of the West Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries and continued until the Renaissance in 15th century




n. (c. 1350-1600) revival of the arts and learning that began in Italy and spread throughout Europe (most often associated with the works of Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Dante, and Da Vinci)


Mediterranean 沒得特瑞你安

adj. of Mediterranean sea; characteristic of the Mediterranean area or peoples


chateauKK: [X@tfc]

n. castle; country estate (French)

Loutherbourg arrived in England in 1771, and immediately went to work as a site designer at the

famous DruryLaneTheater in London. 1.a stage property; properties


Fromhis first shows, Loutherbourg showed a knack for 诀窍 imagination and stage design, all in

the interest of creating illusions that allowed the audience to suspend disbelief completely. (描述)Heaccomplished this by givinginflexible the stage a greater feeling of depth, which he did by cutting up some of the rigid background scenery, and placing it at various angles and distances from the audience.


n. special skill, ability; crackle; gist, feel, hang



n. distance from top to bottom; deepness; profundity


depth of field

  noun (in photography) the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects giving a focused image.



v. make contact with, feel

[C] small detail (细节中)微小之处: put the finishing touches to a piece of work 给一个作品作最后加工 * humorous touches 幽默的细微之处 * That was a clever touch. 那是巧妙的装点.

[sing] manner or style of workmanship,performance, etc (技艺、表演等的)手法, 风格: the touchof a master, ie expert style, eg in painting 大师风范(如绘画中的) * play the piano with a light, heavy, firm, delicate,etc touch 以轻快的、有力的、稳健的、灵巧的...指法弹钢琴 * His work lacks that professional touch. 他的作品缺乏专业技巧.
[sing] person's special skill
个人的特殊能力; 技能: I can't do the crossword today I must be losing my touch. 我今天填不出这纵横字谜了--一定是本事不济了. * Has he regained his old touch? 他恢复以前的能力了吗? * another adventure film with that inimitable Steven Spielberg touch 具有独树一帜的史蒂文_斯皮尔伯格技巧的另一部冒险影片.


n. contact; sense of touch; hit; bit, small amount


Another realistic touch was using three-dimensional objects on the setsetting for a drama film or television program, like rocks and bushes asopposed to two- dimensional painted scenery. He also paid much more attention to lighting andsound than had that hadn’tbeen done before.



    having or appearing to have length and breadth but no depth.



n. measure; size

[C, U] measurement of any sort (breadth, length, thickness, height, etc) (空间的)任何一种量度(宽度、长度、厚度、高度等): What are the dimensions of the room? 这房间的面积是多少? =>App 4 见附录4. => illus 见插图.
dimensions [pl] size; extent
大小; 体积; 程度; 范围: a creature of huge dimensions 体形庞大的动物 * (fig 比喻) I did not realized the dimensions of the problem. 我未曾意识到问题的严重程度.

three dimensional

having or seeming to have depth or thickness



Now, these sets were so elaborate that many people attended the theater more for them than

for the actors or the stories. (转化话题)At the time, people were wild for travel and for experiencing newplaces; but not every could afford it. Loutherbourg outdid 胜过 himself however, with a show that heset up in his own home. He called it the "Eidophusikon".(描述)

Eidophusikon 愛多富士康
n. obs. exc. Hist. Also -con.
L18. [f. Gk eidos form + phusikon neut. of phusikos natural, f. phusis nature.] A kind of lantern depicting natural scenes and phenomena.



"Eidophusikon" means something like representation of nature, and that's exactly what he

intended to do: create realistic moving scenes that change before the audiences' eyes. In this, he

synthesized 合成all his tricks from Drury Lane: mechanical motions, sound, light, other special effects to create, if you will, an early multimedia production.


"rescued them" if you will = 如果你要說是"解救它們"也可以

3. Come, if you will.



If you will

    'If you will' is used as a way of making a concession in a sentence He wasn't a very honest person, a liar if you will. Here, it is used a way of accepting that the reader or listener might think of the person as a liar, but without commit the writer or speaker to that position fully.

(先說句題外話,懂不懂什麼是讓步子句和英文程度一點關係都沒有,真的喔!其實您只要知道 althoughwhile……這些從屬連接詞的意思就可以了,下面的內容原則上可以不用看了。)


先以 He bought me a lovely gift, [although he can't really afford it]. 這句為例。

主要子句是「他買了個很漂亮的禮物給我」,從屬子句是「雖然他不是真的買得起」。按理說「買不起」的話應該會導出「不買」的結果,但在這邊卻還是導出了相反的「買」的結果,這就是從屬子句與主要子句意思相反,也就是樓上網友 妙 說的矛盾。

但這樣還不足以說明為什麼 no matter what situation she found herself in 是讓步子句,因為若依照上述定義,「她覺得不管是處於怎樣的情形」這一句和下句「她都可以從她創造的角色中找到答案」之間似乎並不存在所謂矛盾的關係。

原來讓步子句內容較周延的定義還包括:「表達懷疑、猜測價值判斷無法証實的事件」(網路資料)。樓主所提的問題「我想 」(並不確定) 應屬於「價值判斷」這個範疇 (因為是「她覺得」)。







The "Eidophusikon" was Loutherbourg's attempt (转换话题)to release painting from the constraints of the

picture frame. After all, even the most action field exciting painting can represent only one moment in time; and any illusion of movement is gone after the

first glance. But Loutherbourg, like other contemporary painters, wanted to add the dimension of time to his paintings. You know,(转换话题) the popular thinking is that Loutherbourg was influenced by

landscape painting. But why can't

IBT 新托福听力真题文本全收藏制作:先验理性(狗剩)

we say that the "Eidophusikon" actually influenced the painters? At the very least we have to

consider that it was more ... it was more of a mutual 相互的 thing. We know, for example, that the

important English landscape painter Thomas Gainsborough attended almost all of the yearly earlier

performances, and his later paintings are notable for their increased color and dynamic dynamite use of light. Loutherbourg's influence on the theater though, he was incredibly influential: the way he brought together design and lighting and sound

as a unified feature of the stage, can easily be seen in English theater's subsequent emphasis on

lighting and motion.

Now, (转换话题)the "Eidophusikon" stage (后面一定会有特点的描述)was actually a box: a few meters wide, a couple meters tall and a

couple meters deep. That is, the action took place within this box. This was much smaller of

course than the usual stage. But, it also allowed Loutherbourg to concentrate the lighting to

better effect. Also, the audience was in the dark, which wouldn't be a common feature of the

theater until a hundred years later. The show consisted of a series of scenes, for example, a view

of London from sunrise that changes as the day moves on; mechanical figures, such as cattle,

moved across the scene, and ships sailed along the river. But what really got people was the

attention to detail, much like his work in Drury Lane. So, for example, he painted

very realistic ships, and varied their size depending on their distance from the audience. Small

boats moved more quickly across the foreground than larger ones did that were closer to the

horizon. Other effects, like waves, were also very convincing. They reflected sunlight or moonlight

depending on the time of day or night. Even the colors changed as they would in nature. Sound

and light were important in making his productions realistic. He used a great number of lights,

and he was able to change colors of light by using variously colored pieces of glass, to create

effects like passing clouds that suddenly change in color.

Furthermore, he used effects to make patterns of shadow and light, rather than using the

uniform lighting that was common at the time. And many of the sound effects he pioneered are

still in use today, like creating thunder by pulling on one of the corners of a thin copper sheet.

One of his most popular scenes was of a storm. And there is a story that on one occasion, an

actual storm passed over head during the show. And some people went outside, and they

claimed Loutherbourg's thunder was actually better than the real thunder.


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