


英文 English 
Legislator: MOHW study found other mislabeled edible oils (2013/10/22)

More edible oils have been exposed as potentially containing problems. Today Legislator Huang Wei-cher said a Ministry of Health and Welfare report, conducted more than a year ago, found that over two dozen products were mislabeled. Manufacturers cited denied any problems.

Among brands named by Legislator Huang Wei-cher is Great Day. Huang says the Ministry of Health and Welfare Report showed that its grape seed oil mix, labeled as containing more than 52 percent grape seed oil, actually fell short of this amount. The label of another item did not contain soya bean oil but tests suggested that the product contained this ingredient.

Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator
This product said canola oil was the main ingredient, but it also showed soya bean oil, which did not appear on the label. For more than a year this report sat at the Ministry of Health and Welfare. We hope that the Control Yuan can investigate and determine administrative responsibility for this delay.

A manufacturer of Great Day’s oil products denied any problems.

Sherry Huang
Sales Director, Standard Food Corps
Our label accurately represents the actual contents.

Oil products produced by Carrefour and Weiyi Enterprises Corporation were also mentioned in the report.

Lee Ren-bo
Admin. Dep’t Manager, Weiyi Enterprises
The products named don’t have any problems. The media stories are incorrect, and our company reserves the right to take legal action over parts that are misinforming the general public.

A deputy minister at the Ministry of Health and Welfare answered questions about why the report, completed a year ago, was never acted upon. The official said the report described a study to test edible oil testing methods and was not meant to inspect products. Researchers also felt that the testing methods needed to be improved before accurate determinations could be made.
中文 Chinese  

油 品造假事件連環爆,今天民進黨立委黃偉哲,以衛福部於101年委託機構調查有關市售的調和油是否符合標準的報告為依據,爆料”得意的一天”及家樂福和維義 公司出的油品被驗出標示不符。今天除了業者出面駁斥,衛福部也對為什麼一年前的報告,卻沒有任何做為的狀況,作出解釋。


[[立委(民) 黃偉哲]]
“它(另一款)其實標示是芥花油是主要成份,面卻出現大豆油的成份,與標示不符,結果這一年來這一份報告 就躺在現在的衛生福利部一年多,慢了一年應該負相關的行政責任,我們希望監察院要主動調查”


[[佳格食品公司業務處長 黃祥蓉]]


[[電訪: 維義管理部經理 李仁伯]]

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