


National Immigration Agency using biometrics to track foreigners (2013/12/09)

emigration / immigration / migration / migraine

When a British national convicted of killing a Taiwanese man fled to the
United Kingdom, outrage ensued. The National Immigration Agency is responding with stricter border control measures, including fingerprinting, directed at foreigners who pass through Taiwan’s borders. It will not introduce these measures for Taiwanese nationals, though they too have been known to avoid justice by fleeing to other nations.
Philippines / Philippine / Filipino / Spain / Spanish

*surveillance / monitoring    
The National Immigration Agency says stricter immigration controls for foreigners are for the sake of border security. Besides the facial recognition software already in place, the agency will begin checking fingerprints of forei gners who enter and exit the country. The same rules will not apply to Taiwanese nationals. A pilot
tial / trailprogram has already begun at Kaohsiung Airport.

Liao Wei-yuan
National Immigration Agency
There is a legal basis for these checks. Advanced nations across the world are already collecting biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial information, so we are not worried.

When foreigners first enter
Taiwan, biometric records will be taken. These will be checked each time the foreigner enters or leaves. The goal is to prevent foreigners from using other people’s passports.

Depending on budget constraints, this new system could be in place at all of
Taiwan’s international ports by the end of next year.








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