Local airline to offer chocolates in the shape of national treasures (2013/12/30)
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Local airline to offer chocolates in the shape of national treasures (2013/12/30)

A catering service that is a subsidiary of China Airlines has launched a new series of chocolates in the shape of national treasures. These sweets are expected to be available on China Airlines flights starting Jan 20.

The pastry chef paints the mold cavities with a thin coat of tempered chocolate then uses a soft brush to force out the air before proceeding to fill the mold. This piece of chocolate looks similar to the “Bell of Zhou,” one of the most famous relics in the National Palace Museum.

Other pieces include miniatures of the “Jadeite Cabbage” and “Meat-shaped Stone.”

Pastry Chef
“The toughest part is filling the mold cavities with a soft brush to achieve a smooth surface,” says this pastry chef. “About 30 percent of the chocolate we made in the first batch was spoiled.”

China Pacific Catering Services banked on the Chinese tourist market when launching this new souvenir line of chocolates. As of now, only three trained pastry chefs are certified to make them.

Janice Lai
China Pacific Catering Services
“We incorporated the elements of Chinese culture in food,” says Janice Lai, the chairwoman of China Pacific Catering Services. “To undertake this project, we cooperated with the most famous chocolate mold factory in Belgium.”

Following its earlier collaboration with a local hotel chain to launch dishes inspired by national treasures, the catering service hopes to further expand its business.
中文 Chinese  




[[廚師 張小姐]]


[[華膳董事長 賴瑟珍]]

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