Enjoying black coffee while reading a good article written by a coffee shop owner. 點了杯黑咖啡,我用最慢的速度拜讀 La Vie cafe 老闆所寫的告別文。 字裡行間中,我不禁折服於他動人的文筆及卓越的英文底蘊。唉!相見恨晚。

Time to say goodbye (English translation)

2013年2月17日 11:25Time to say goodbye In 1999, we planted an almond tree in the small, yet cozy courtyard. At the time, the tree was only a story tall, and over the next 13 years, it has subtly grown to over four stories tall. The almond tree's lush foliage shades this little alley in Guangfu South Road. It watched as patrons who came to La Vie experienced their own life moments - some fell in love, some married, some started a family - to name a few. It also saw the passing of patrons who were taken away from us at such young ages - leaving sadness in their place. Someone once said, "People come and go every day. Thus, that which we can see, we do not see in the short term. That which we can remember, we occasionally forget." Today, after 13 years, La Vie continues to afford us the enjoyment of a memorable and fulfilling journey. Thus, that which we did not see, we saw. That which we have forgotten, we remembered. Within the confines of La Vie, life’s journey was on full display all along. Like humans, we acknowledge that La Vie was not perfect, but we put forth our greatest efforts. Facing the realities of our industry, we invested our greatest emotions. Reluctantly – on Saturday, March 9, the lights at La Vie will darken. But, perhaps, this is not the end. We will reminisce the the 13 year, 4,700 or so day journey that we have experienced together. No matter how times change, we hope that everyone, in all corners of their hearts, will remember the familiar coffee aroma and see that familiar almond tree of La Vie. As fate would have it, I know we will meet again somewhere. Thank you friends for your love and support over the years. We will always be grateful for your patronage, and forever treasure your fond memories of La Vie Cafe.....!



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