


Missing both legs below the knees, Taiwanese climber still fights way up Yushan (2014/04/24) Climbing Yushan, Taiwan’s tallest mountain, is a challenge for even those who are fully fit. But when 20-year-old Kuo Wei-chi scaled the peak on Wednesday, it was a truly remarkable feat because she’s missing parts of all four of her limbs. Wearing prosthetics on both of her legs made climbing the uneven rocky path difficult. As she moved into higher altitudes, fatigue and pain accompanied every step. Eventually, one of Kuo Wei-chi’s prosthetics had problems and the adhesive strip helping hold it in place peeled off. After removing the artificial limb, the source of Kuo’s pain became clear, her leg red and swollen from friction. When Kuo was 7 years old, she developed septicemia after catching a cold and had to have parts of all four limbs amputated. After finally making it to the 3,952-meter-high peak, the teary-eyed Kuo gripped a funeral portrait of her grandfather in her mouth, the climb having been made with him at her side. In all, Kuo needed 15 hours to scale East Asia’s highest mountain, about twice the norm. But her hard work brought tears of joy, her decision to challenge the impossible finally rewarded.

殘肢登玉山 登玉山不簡單,對肢體殘缺者更是難上難,但20歲的郭韋齊昨天做到了。 套著義肢的雙腳,踩著碎石斜坡,舉步為艱,隨著海拔攀升,跨出的每一步,又累又痛。 這一趟挑戰玉山,四肢殘缺的郭韋齊,腳下義肢一度撐不住,膠帶突然脫落,露出大腿患處,磨的又紅又腫。 韋齊七歲時,因為感冒引發敗血症,截斷四肢。 最後一步,終於踩上海拔3952公尺的山巔,這一刻韋齊熱淚盈框,嘴裡咬著,是生前愛她的外公遺照,因為這一趟攻頂路,也是幫阿公一起爬的。 整整15個鐘頭,多出常人兩倍時間,但苦盡甘來,喜極而泣,攀上東亞第一高峰,韋齊身殘,但這一刻卻挑戰不可能!


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