High tech company creates rooftop garden to reduce energy expenditures (2014/09/09)
With energy rates spiraling upwards each year, one prominent tech company has found a novel way to cut down on energy costs. This company has invested NT$6 million to transform the 300 ping rooftop of its main office into a garden. They used plants, along with solar panels and wind turbines, to help reduce energy expenditures at its office by NT$120,000 per year.
These rare plants are typically found in a pond, but here we see them on this rooftop garden of the offices of this Taiwanese tech manufacturing company in Taipei. This area also serves as an urban farm.
Our lives are quite busy so one can come here and breathe in nature, giving us some enjoyment.
The boss of the company invested NT$6mn to turn this vast concrete area into a type of garden. The main objective was reducing energy costs, as this rooftop addition can reduce indoor temperatures in the building by 2.5 degrees.
Additionally, this fitness center allows staff to generate one kilowatt hour of electricity for every 20 hours on a bicycle. A wind turbine and solar panels also help reduce spending on electricity.
Chu Fu-cheng Factory Manager At the beginning, our chairman just wanted the building to become a little more attractive, and after adding plants to the rooftop, after one year, on the tenth floor, we saved some 18,000 kilowatt hours of electricity, which exceeded our expectations.
What began as simply a project to make the building a little more green ultimately turned into an energy saving investment for the company, not to mention an investment in employee welfare, all with a yearly maintenance cost of just NT$10,000.