Travel website highlights Taiwan’s presidential office (2015/04/30)

Taiwan’s presidential office was listed on a travel website that specializes in describing unusual sights around the world.

This red and white-themed building, built in a European Baroque style, was recognized by the travel site When On Earth as one of the world’s remarkable presidential offices.

Ke Chiao-mei
Presidential Office Guide
I feel that the more than 10 years I’ve spent serving as a guide was time well spent.

The office was originally completed in 1919 to serve as the office of the governor-general of the Japanese colonial government. After being destroyed in World War II, it was rebuilt in 1946. The reconstructed building kept the same external appearance and preserved this octagonal tower, which enhanced earthquake resistance. There was also this driveway, used by former President Chiang Ching-kuo, and the centerpiece of the building, the central tower.

Ke Chiao-mei
Presidential Office Guide
The central tower has symbolic meaning. In 17th and 18th century arts and culture, it represented sovereign power of the monarch and ultimate authority. In other words, it was a symbol of the ruler’s governing power.

Other presidential offices on the website’s list included the Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, the White House in Washington DC and the Kremlin in Moscow.
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中央塔設計+紅白色調 台入選特色總統府


紅白相間色調,建築設計飄出濃濃的歐洲巴洛克風情的我國總統府,被外國旅遊網站「身在人間」(When on Earth),選為全球最有特色的總統府之ㄧ。

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