Musical Talent and Athletic Score Key in North Korean University Admission (2015/05/29) | |
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| Musical Talent and Athletic Score Key in North Korean University Admission (2015/05/29)
North Korea benefits from a skilled population trained during 12 years of compulsory education. As citizens reach adulthood, the state designates them for a job, schooling or service based on ability and national need.
This is a singing competition at Pyongyang’s Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School.
Don’t underestimate the importance of this performance. Music and sport is one of seven subject areas for admissions to university. It accounts for one-seventh of total assessment weighting.
Other subjects are history, geography, foreign languages, math, physics and chemistry, and the writings and revolutionary accounts of past leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il.
Anne Hu FTV News Director North Korea’s university entrance exam is like a composite version of Taiwan’s general proficiency test and advanced subjects test. Pre-exam is in January, the actual exam is at the end of February and results are available in March.
High school in North Korea lasts three years. There are six classes a day, six days a week. Each subject is important.
After 4 o’clock, students engage in extracurricular activities, which primarily consist of sports and arts.
For the handful of students admitted, college is a ticket to a desirable public position. Those who come up short on the entrance exam face seven or more years in the military or a job as a general laborer.
In Taiwan, prospective college students hone their test-taking skills in cram schools. In North Korea, where the college admissions rate is just 20 percent, there are no such private institutions.
Kim Hye Kyung Kang Pan Sok School Spokeswoman During extracurricular activities in the afternoon, the school arranges math and literature classes to further strengthen our students.
The additional classes are one reason why 60 percent of Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School’s graduating class was accepted to university, the highest rate among all schools in Pyongyang. Both China and Russia have praised the students produced by North Korea’s 12-year compulsory education program.
For students accepted to college, all costs are covered by the state. There are stipends and school-issued gray uniforms, with black shoes for men and high-heeled shoes for women.
Park Hyun Kyung Chongjin Guide College uniforms must have a red tie. In summer, women wear traditional Korean outfits modified to have a short skirt.
While the uniform adds an air of professionalism, it comes with sacrifices. Before graduation, women’s hair cannot extend below the shoulders. Some male students who are obviously older than their peers spent up to a decade in military service before retaking the college entrance exam and beginning their studies anew at age 28.
There are more than 40 universities in North Korea. The two leading schools are both in Pyongyang: Kim Il-sung University and Kim Chaek University of Technology.
When selecting a future husband, women look for men who have completed military service, joined the party or gone to college.
Hwang Cheol Pyongyang Guide Following graduation, most of us are happy to serve in the military. After all, protecting the homeland is the greatest form of patriotism. For us, the homeland is the embrace of the beloved comrade Kim Jong-un. Therefore, we are all willing to serve.
Unlike most nations, in North Korea the government designates the work and profession each citizen undertakes. These decisions are made at key moments in life, whether during military service or at the completion of high school or college. Citizens don’t discuss their ambitions or individual ideals. They live for the nation and struggle for the nation.
This is FTV’s Anne Hu, C. F. Su and Chun-hao Yeh with an exclusive report from North Korea. |
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