Soley Rivera 15 hours ago
The time you're spending with him now, cooking for him, driving him to places, keeping him company will be your memories later when he's gone. Those good memories will keep the guilt at bay, because no matter how much we do for them, when they're gone, we always wish we could have done more. My mother who was 86 passed away Dec 4th, 2014. My sister, 3 caretakers and I took care of her. I used to go on Saturday and Sunday and then we had an additional caretaker, so I would go every Sunday and take care of her to give my sister a break. I have such good memories of my mother and I singing and dancing she laughed and clapped her hands. She couldn't walk anymore so she would make the motions like she was dancing. Even though my Sundays with her meant I had only Saturdays to do my housework, wash clothes, buy groceries etc., I loved my time spent with her and I looked forward to it.



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