美國歸鄉之美國歸鄉之旅5: 田納西歸鄉之旅 :遲來的感動
5. US Homecomning Tour 5 : Belated Move
Due to the fatigue after a ong flight, I was under the weather at the beginning of the long trip in America, and thus it took a toll on my health; the onsets of persistent cough and asthma had bothered me tremendously, and what's worse, I I was very sad that I couldn't concentrate on taking in the beautiful scenes and showing my sincerest gratitude for all the favors and kindness I'd been receiving during the three week trip.
由於過度勞累,長達一個月的美國之行在一開始就身體不適,進而對身體造成莫大的傷害。旅途中持續的咳嗽及哮喘一直困擾著自己; 呼吸不順使得思緒一直無法集中,許多美好的人事物猶如走馬燈般呼嘯即逝。對於無法好好駐足留戀美好事物心裡覺得非常惋惜,尤其是旅途中全力照顧及幫助我的親人及朋友們,沒能好好的道謝及告別更是心中莫大的遺憾。
After returning home, I was so ill that I simply laid in bed and barely moved for a long time before I received a careful treatment from a otolaryngologist. Now, I've finally recuperated and have had more time to collect all the surges of beautiful memories that have recurred in my heart. Who says that I didn't have time to say goodbye? I could use my entire life to send my warmest greetings to all the people who have helped me and loved me on the other side of the earth. As for the missing scenery, thanks to the powerful camera I grabbed with my last strength, I captured all the most cherishable moments that I can reminisce in my entire life. I don't feel regretful for not having enough time to say goodbye anymore since I've realized I am capable of feeling everything again which can't even be restrained by any illnesses or obstacles.
回國後,我整個人躺在床上昏睡近十天無法動彈,經醫生的悉心治療下終於恢復元氣。在思緒逐漸清晰之中,美國歸鄉之行的記憶及感動才終於整個湧上心頭。我這時才驚覺這段揮別十五年後才再度展開的旅程在自己的生命中已經留下了最美的註記及回憶。誰說我沒時間道再見?我這廂人在地球的彼端有的是時間跟大家好好寒暄; 至於錯過得風景?哈哈!當初用手上僅存的力量緊握的相機可是幫了大忙,忠實地記錄了我在美國的所有點滴。那難道心底當時因為生病而無法對美好的事物感動嗎?確切相反; 當初身體的束縛雖然給心靈上了道大大地枷鎖,但當思緒清晰後所曾經壓抑的感受至此瘋狂的迸裂而感動莫名。
There are too many wonderful people and things to acknowlege, but I am not in the hurry to do so sicne I've realized that I can chew on those most beautiful memories throughout my entire life.
“Footprints in the sand show where one has been” . I can't help but say out loud: ''farewell, my dearest friends, I will see you again soon! ''
