中華民國軍 隊軍階是參考美國軍階而制定。由於當時歷史特殊性考量,於1935年,由當時國民政府主席林森任命前 總統 蔣中正先生為五 星特級上將,負責當時中國戰區之最高統帥。所以中國民國目前為止只有前總統 蔣中正先生是五星特級上將。下表僅就目前中華民國一般軍種軍階體制而製:
軍階 Rank |
陸軍 Army |
海軍 Navy |
空軍 Air Force |
一級上將(四星) |
General Chief of Staff |
General Chief of Staff |
General Chief of Staff |
二級上將(三星) |
General |
Admiral |
General |
中將(二星) |
Lieutenant General |
Vice Admiral |
Lieutenant General |
少將(一星) |
Major General |
Rear Admiral |
Major General |
上校 |
Colonel |
Captain |
Colonel |
中校 |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Commander |
Lieutenant Colonel |
少校 |
Major |
Lieutenant Commander |
Major |
上尉 |
Captain |
Lieutenant |
Captain |
中尉 |
1st Lieutenant |
Lieutenant Junior Grade |
1st Lieutenant |
少尉 |
2nd Lieutenant |
Ensign |
2nd Lieutenant |
一等士官長 |
Sergeant Major |
Master Chief Petty Officer |
Chief Master Sergeant |
二等士官長 |
Master Sergeant |
Senior Chief Petty Officer |
Senior Master Sergeant |
三等士官長 |
Sergeant 1st Class |
Chief Petty Officer |
Master Sergeant |
上士 |
Staff Sergeant |
Petty Officer 1st Class |
Technical Sergeant |
中士 |
Sergeant |
Petty Officer 2nd Class |
Staff Sergeant |
下士 |
Corporal |
Petty Officer 3rd Class |
Senior Airman |
上等兵 |
Private 1st Class |
Seaman 1st Class |
Airman 1st Class |
一等兵 |
Private |
Seaman |
Airman |
二等兵 |
Private Basic |
Seaman Apprentice |
Airman Basic |