My room. 每當我落寞時,窗外的這片鮮黃將是我最亮的明燈!
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the gold-rain trees.
My room. 每當我落寞時,窗外的這片鮮黃將是我最亮的明燈!
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the gold-rain trees.
Buying clothes for mom
Thank you for your invitation!
tilt-a-whirl: This was the first ride I took with Adam 12 years ago when we went to the carnival.
Hi Jason,
Thank you so much for your recent message. Yes, we are very excited about the prospects of having a little girl in the family. We truly didn't care whether Tonya's baby was a boy or a girl, but I think she secretly wanted to have a girl this time as they have Sam. But she truly would have been happy about a boy too.
There was a time when I thought I would like to have a baby girl, but I am so thankful that I had boys, Adam, Evan and Jon. God knew what I needed, and he blessed me very richly when he let me have my guys!
Jane is on bed rest for the time being. She can walk the boys down to the bus stop and meet them, but she has been in bed since the weekend. Tonya is going with her to the Dr. this morning. I hope that her blood pressure is under control. She actually thinks that her blood pressure might be too low and that they might have given her too big a dose of medicine. I imagine the doctor will be able to tell at the appointment this morning.
We enjoyed the trip to the mountains but were very happy to get back home. The scenery was beautiful - with all the trees becoming green and the flowers beginning to bloom. Tonya and I went to the Tanger Outlets to shop and she bought her baby some little outfits. We visited the outlets two times while there and walked the "strip" in downtown Gatlinburg and let Sam ride some cars in an arcade there. He rode both a fire engine and a car.
The first night we were there, we didn't ask for a little bed for Sam. We thought he could sleep on a big bed with Tonya as he is two. He didn't cry but he was awake at 1 AM asking Tonya questions. So, the next night he had a pack-and-play and he slept well for the next two nights.
Thank you again for talking to me. You didn't need to apologize for mistaking the information about the baby. That was no problem at all and nothing for you to worry a bit about. We look forward to you and Adam visiting this Fall; the scenery here will also be wonderful in the Fall with the trees turning Autumnal colors. It is quite a beautiful sight.
I hope you and Adam are having a good week there. I have a lot to d here but can't seem to get organized. I wrote Van a speech to make this afternoon when our 7th District Congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn, visits locally. I guess I had better get busy here for now, but thank you again very kindly for your correspondence.
love & best wishes,
Adam's Mom
Dear Jason,
I am sorry about being tardy in replying to your email. You misunderstood. Tonya's baby isn't due until September, but we are all very excited about a baby girl in the family as we haven't had one in Van's family for 75 years (that would be the age of Van's sister who died had she been alive today). She was the only female in Van's immediate family.
Please forgive me for not responding to your message sooner, but we have been out of town for a few days and got back really late yesterday to find out that Evan's wife, Jane, was in the hospital with high blood pressure. As you likely know, she is expecting another little boy (brother to Adam's nephews, Jack and Grant). She had trouble with high blood pressure before the twins were born, and I was in hopes that she would escape that complication this time. Please pray for her to stay healthy and the baby to be healthy too.
We had fun in Gatlinburg, gut it was very good to get back home safely. We slept late this morning and have been busy putting things away.
We look forward to seeing you and Adam in October. I hope you are having a good week-end. I know you stay very busy there with your teaching and other commitments. I pray that you will have a wonderful week. Please convey my greetings to your Mom and your family.
love & best wishes,
Adam's Mom
Dear Adam’s mom,
I am very sorry that I mistook the birth date of Tonya’s baby. I guess I was so happy that I had the wrong idea when Adam shared such wonderful news with me. I also realized that you are possibly the most delighted one to welcome the baby girl’s coming since you mentioned that she will be the first baby girl on the Ward side of the family in 75 years. I also remember that Adam told me that you wanted to have a daughter so much that you purchased clothes for anyone who had a baby girl. I am also very happy for you having the first granddaughter who will finally fulfill your wish and spend time with you. Adam and I are looking forward to seeing both your new grandson and granddaughter in October. We believe that it will be the best time to see them since Jane’s baby boy and Tonya’s baby girl will be due in August and September. May God bless both of the babies.