( ) 131. If those clouds are any indication, it ___________ for the entire weekend.
(A) rain
(B) rained
(C) will rain
(D) is raining
( ) 132. Iris had a very bad headache after ___________ up all of those balloons for her sister's birthday party.
(A) blow up
(B) blew up
(C) blown up
(D) blowing up
blow up
fill with air (e.g. a ballon); enlarge; exaggerate; lose one's temper; cause something to explode; explode
( ) 133. We'll decide exactly where to put the new furniture ___________ we try placing it in several positions to see which looks best.
(A) when
(C) after
( ) 134. Thelma was able to ___________ a lot of money through some high-stakes stock investments.
(A) rake
(B) rake in
(C) rake up
(D) rake off
v. collect, gather together; cause to slant, cause to slope
rake in
rake up
耙在一起: 重提
rake up
Function: |
transitive verb |
Date: |
1581 |
: to make known or
public : UNCOVER <rake up a scandal>
Pronunciation: |
'rāk-ˌȯf |
Function: |
noun |
Etymology: |
rake off, v.; from the use of a rake by a croupier to collect the operator's profits in a gambling casino |
Date: |
1888 |
( ) 135. We need to ___________ the ad campaign / champagne / Champaign/ champion for next Monday or the deal is off.
(A) revamp
(B) revolutionize
(C) recite
(D) renovate
( ) 136. Phil's a tough customer / custom / customs / costume and he let your insults just ____him with ease.
(A) roll up
(B) roll out
(C) roll on
(D) roll off
Lesson #5: “I let negativity roll off me like water off a duck’s back.”
roll up
fold; be folded
roll out
v. get out of bed; spread out and flatten (as of dough); introduce, publicly present, release to the public; execute a roll out (American Football)
n. first public presentation of an aircraft; trick maneuver/ maverick / harpoon/ mica by the quarterback (American Football)
roll on
move forward by turning over and over, somersault forwards
Pronunciation: |
'rōl-ˌȯf |
Function: |
noun |
Date: |
1947 |
: a play-off
match in bowling
【计】 转出
【电】 roll-off
( ) 137. Scott found his __
(A) second hand
(B) second class
(C) second wind
(D) second nature
( ) 138. Heather decided to _
(A) takeover
(B) takedown
(C) take off
(D) take up
_ and was able to finish the marathon
_ yoga for exercise and spiritual healing.
( ) 139. Jeremy got ______ . _ in the head by a softball and has a big lump above his eye.
(A) strike / struck / struck / stricken
(B) struck
(C) stricken
(D) Stroke
4. 但少数几个动词的-ed分词,有两种形式而且在意义上有差别,如:bear的-ed分词有born和borne之分,前者只用于“出生”的意义,而后者用于“负担”,“负荷”,“承担”和“传送”之意
i was born in 1966.
his borne responsibility to the whole workers of the factory is really great.
再如:hang的-ed分词也有两种,一是hung,另一形式是hanged, 前者表示“悬挂”,后者表示“吊死,绞死”。strike的-ed分词也有两种:struck和striken, 前者有“打击”“冲击”“感动”等义,而striken只用作形容词,表示“受折磨”之意。
来自及物动词的-ed分词所表示的是被动意义;来自不及物动词的-ed分词则可表示主动和完成的意义:fallen leaves (落叶),a full-blown rose (盛开的玫瑰), escaped prinsoners(逃犯), the exploded bomb, her deceased husband, the retired workers, the vanished jewels, the newly arrived visitors, the returned students, the risen sun.
( ) 140. Lucian learned how to _
(A) swim
(B) swam
(C) swum
(D) swimming
Questions 160-162
Dear Citizen:
Today we're launching a new feature called McCain Nation and we want you to be the first to know. McCain Nation is a powerful online tool, built exclusively for our supporters across the country to plan events to help spread John McCain's message.
Through the McCain Nation online headquarters you can create events, upload and invite your contacts, send out invitations, get maps and directions, and much more. You can also search for events in your area and ask hosts to attend. Connecting with other McCain supporters on the ground is crucial to our grassroots strategy and will be key to our victory in November.
Please follow this link to join McCain Nation today and host an event for John McCain! Our first national event will be held on Thursday, August 14th at 7pm ET, and we're asking you to start planning your event right away. McCain Nation events across the country will have the opportunity to interact with a prominent McCain campaign official as part of the first national event day. Event hosts will also receive a host package and have exclusive access to other resources. / campaign / champion / champagne / Champaign
If you're unable to host an event, you can also visit McCain Nation to search for events in your area to attend. And if August 14th doesn't work out with your schedule, you can plan an event at a date and time that works best for you and your guests through the online headquarters.
Please visit the McCain Nation website today. We look forward to a successful national event day on August 14th.
Thanks for your support!
Rick Davis
Campaign Manager