Title         The Cuban crisis (1962)

Document type        Interactive map

Source    European NAvigator.

Keywords       Cuban crisis


        Range of the Soviet rockets installed on the island of Cuba in 1962 in relation to the United States and Latin America.

Location in the digital library     HISTORICAL EVENTS >> 1957–1968 Successes and crises >> Cold War crises >> The Cuban crisis

Document extract    The Cuban crisis Naval blockade Range of Soviet rockets installed in Cuba, October 1962 Canada United States Chicago New York Washington San Francisco New Orleans Mexico Gulf of Mexico Cuba Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Panama Canal Puerto Rico Colombia Peru Venezuela Brazil Gulf of Mexico Florida Miami Havana Cape Canaveral Cuba Bay of Pigs Bahamas Atlantic Ocean Naval line of 'Quarantine' (approximate position) Chestnut Line Walnut Line Puerto Rico Haiti Dominican Republic Jamaica Caribbean Sea Guanajay Sagua la Grande Read more in ENA


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