
Industrial use starch found in common food products (2013/05/14)



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Industrial use starch found in common food products (2013/05/14)

The Food and Drug Administration has announced a recall of many chewy products such as tapioca balls and taro dumplings. The products in question were made with starch that contained an industrial adhesive not approved for use in food.

Many people think these taro and sweet potato dumplings are delicious. However, authorities have found they were produced with starch that was treated with maleic acid. The FDA tested 74 commercially available products made from starch. It soon issued a recall for Smile Sun’s tapioca balls, Lien Fa Foods’ taro dumplings and sweet potato dumplings, and Meinung’s flat rice noodles. It also ordered Tenyu Foods’ oden and Chant Sen’s oden off the shelves for using this type of industrial use starch.

Feng Ruenn-lan
FDA Food Safety Deputy Director
These items may contain ingredients that we did not approve, such as starch with maleic anhydride. We have seized up to 25 tons of products.

Doctors warn that consumption of this illegally processed starch could harm the kidneys.

Yang Chen-chang
Veterans General Hospital Toxicologist
Rats fed 100 milligrams daily for every kilogram of body weight will experience kidney damage.

Maleic acid isn’t just banned in Taiwan. No country has approved its use in food products.
中文 Chinese  


美 味芋圓地瓜圓是許多人的最愛,但現在卻被查出裡摻有順丁烯二酸化澱粉,食藥局抽驗市售七十四件澱粉類製品,日正食品的波霸粉圓、蓮發食品的九份芋圓、地瓜 圓和美濃板條、天祐食品的關東煮黑輪、長勝食品的冷凍正宗黑輪,都被檢出非法添加這種工業用澱粉,違規產品已經全部下架回收。

[[食藥局食品組副組長 馮潤蘭]]


[[榮總毒物科醫師 楊振昌]]

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