Taiwan holds naval exercise near Batan Islands to send message to Philippines (2013/05/16) Taiwan held an air and naval exercise in waters south of Taiwan near Batan Island to send a message to the Philippines. The military described the show of force as a sign of the country’s determination to protect its fishermen. Two Mirage-2000 jet fighters took off from Hsinchu at 9 a.m. to participate in the joint air and naval exercise. An hour earlier, a naval flotilla led by the Taiwan Navy’s most powerful vessel, the Kidd-class destroyer Makung, sailed south of 20 degrees north latitude. That is traditionally the line beyond which Taiwanese ships don’t go. It was the first show of force by Taiwan since the Philippines attacked a Taiwanese fishing boat on May 9. The military drill was held in waters west of Batan Island. The Navy deployed the Makung destroyer, the Cheng De frigate and several Kuang Hua VI-class missile boats. Also deployed were Air Force E2K early-warning aircraft and three Coast Guard vessels. Vice Adm. Hsu Pei-shan Navy Chief of Staff This area is part of Taiwan’s economic zone. We have the right to conduct patrols here to protect our fishermen. Our naval warships are here to provide support. The main goal of this exercise is to strengthen our determination to take measures that protect our fishermen. Today’s exercise was simply a show of force, without live fire. Some lawmakers, hoping for a more robust response, thought that was a mistake.
菲海外軍演 我國對菲律賓祭出八項強硬措施後,今天在巴丹島西部海域,從上午八點到下午四點,舉行海空護漁操演,海軍有馬公艦領軍,空軍也派出兩架幻象和空中預警機,配合海巡艦艇,展現護漁決心。 兩架幻象戰機,在上午九點,從新竹空軍基地起飛,加入我國的海空聯合護漁演習.而從上午八點開始,在海軍戰力最強的紀德級馬公艦率領下,船艦已經越過北緯20度的暫定執法線。 這是我國首度揮軍南下,向菲律賓展示軍力,演習區域選定在菲律賓巴丹群島的西部海域,海軍派出馬公艦,承德艦和多艘光六飛彈快艇,空軍也有E2K空中預警機,以及海巡署三艘艦艇。 [[海軍司令部參謀長 許培山]] “這地方屬於我們的經濟海域範圍,我們有權在這邊執行所有的海巡在這邊執行護漁,我們軍艦在這邊側應,這次我們的主要目的是,強化我們針對相關護漁作業的決心 不過這次演習只有行動沒有實彈射擊,引發朝野立委議論。