Cooking oils and manufacturing process may make vegetarian foods unhealthy (2013/06/14) Vegetarians/vegetables are not immune to dietary problems. Doctors discovered one Buddhist nun in the Taipei area who suffered from high levels of triglycerides due to frequent consumption of vegetarian biscuits and noodles. Such products are often processed or fried and when eaten in excess can cause a spate of health problems. triglyceride / triglyceride/ triglyceride These vegetarian products that resemble fish and meat are frequently the culprit for those suffering from high cholesterol, hypertension or high blood sugar. glucose chol-1. 表示"膽汁","膽囊"(如:cholelithiasis)
Cholecyst: bag/
A middle-aged Buddhist nun in Taipei has been a vegetarian for years and neither drinks nor smokes. However, lab tests reveal that she suffers from high triglyceride levels. Doctors soon learned that she loved to eat vegetarian biscuits and vegetarian instant noodles. laboratory Chen Jaw-wen / cardiovascular / atherosderosis. 中文名稱:, 動脈粥狀硬化. 二尖瓣脫垂症(mitral valve prolapse syndrome)
atherosderosis / atherosclerosis
TaipeiVeteransHospital Cardiologist If it’s processed food then you should be careful because the manufacturing process has two major problems. Items that have a better taste and flavor and those that stay fresher longer have mostly been fried. And fried foods are higher in calories, which can lead to high triglyceride or blood sugar levels. calorie / calories / cholesterol / calories / cholesterol / cholesterol / cholesterol / cholesterol / atherosclerosis / triglyceride / triglyceride/ Being a vegetarian doesn’t guarantee good health. The key may be the manner in which vegetables are cooked, and there are both good and bad types of vegetable oil. ChenJaw-wen TaipeiVeteransHospital Cardiologist It depends upon the oil used in the production process, with coconut or palm oil potentially leading to higher cholesterol. Both palm oil and coconut oil are often used to make cookies. The healthiest cooking oils include olive oil, sunflower oil and camellia oil. Other potentially unhealthy items include vegetarian “meats,” which often are fried and heavily seasoned.
吃素血脂高 提醒您,別以吃素就不會有三高,台北市有一名比丘尼,三酸甘油脂始終居高不下,醫生發現,原來這名比丘尼常吃素餅乾跟素泡麵。由於素餅乾、泡麵是油炸品,大部分都用棕櫚油或椰子油,都容易導致高膽固醇,因此建議吃素的民眾,少吃加工品,多吃天然的蔬果最健康。 像魚又像肉的素食,常常是三高的罪魁禍首。 台北市有一名中年的比丘尼,長期吃素,不菸、不酒,可是三酸甘油脂的數據卻始終居高不下,醫師詢問發現,原來這名比丘尼很愛吃素餅乾跟素泡麵。 [[北榮心臟內科主治醫師 陳肇文]] “如果是再製品的話就要小心,因為再製過程中會有兩個問題,大部分口感比較好、味道較好,保存比較久大部分都經過油炸,油炸就會導致熱量高,熱量高會導致三酸甘油脂高,或者是血糖高。” 而吃素要吃得健康,關鍵就在炒菜用的油。植物油也有分好壞。 [[北榮心臟內科主治醫師 陳肇文]] “另外關於製作過程當中,用的一些油脂會導致膽固醇高,像椰子油、棕櫚油,尤其是棕櫚油” 常被拿來做餅乾的棕櫚油、椰子油,導致膽固醇機率高。最好的油,是橄欖油、葵花子油或苦茶油。 另外像是這類長得很像肉的素料,都經過油炸或調味料加工過的也要少吃。